Business Administration (MBA)

  • 4PLUS (bachelor's + master's)
  • Online
  • Doctorate
  • Master's

About this Program

MBA students are working professionals who know a graduate degree will enhance their marketability and earnings. More importantly, they know they’re getting an exceptional education that will prepare them to lead responsibly, with integrity and vision. Thanks to Hood’s express curriculum delivery, they’re getting it fast.

Program Overview

Tuition & Fees 
Funding Opportunities
Download MBA Brochure

Global Perspectives

Hood’s fully online MBA program is geared to students who want to understand their organizations — and their roles — in the larger context of current affairs, the economy, politics and society. In addition to the versatility of a broad business education, the program empowers students to contribute through ethical management decisions that shape the character of the organization and its employees.

Relevant Coursework

With coursework in Artificial Intelligence and an available focus area in Data Analytics, a Hood College MBA offers relevant coursework related directly to what our students will be utilizing in the real world. View "Put AI to Work For Your Organization"recorded webinar here.


Don’t sacrifice quality for affordability: a Hood College MBA is ACBSP accredited and one-third the cost of an average two-year MBA program in the U.S.

Hands-On, Interactive 

In every class, students sit in the driver’s seat looking at real organizations in real time through projects that examine organizational strategies, finances, operations or management. Team projects test team-building, analytical and integrative competencies, as well as collaboration and communication skills. The capstone course in strategy synthesizes knowledge and proficiencies.


The MBA schedule is a fast-track combination of full semesters and summer sessions, allowing students to pursue the degree part time and still complete it in two years or less — without compromising quality. Complement your MBA degree with a business certificate to gain a competitive edge.


ACBSP logoHood’s MBA is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs, the premier accreditor of business schools that focus primarily on teaching and learning.


*Active duty Fort Detrick soldiers are eligible for a full tuition waiver for this program or any other graduate certificate and masters program at Hood College per our special Hood/Fort Detrick MOU.

NC Sara
Hood College participates in the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements.

Degrees Offered

  • MBA
  • DBA

Related Graduate Programs

Program Requirements and Course Listings

For students applying to the MBA program, please submit the following to the Graduate School:

  • One copy of official transcripts from each institution attended.
  • An essay (250 words or less) that includes background experience and future goals.

Applicants who have an undergraduate GPA below 3.0, must also submit the following:

No GRE or GMAT required.

Students entering the program must exempt or complete six foundation courses designed to provide the appropriate prerequisite background for the cross-disciplined major. The program director determines the required foundation courses or exemptions based on a thorough evaluation of transcripts and other supporting documents. The objective is to ensure the student is well prepared and ready to succeed in the program.

Applicants who have not taken calculus and accounting courses in the last five years may be required to take the related foundation courses at the program director’s discretion.

Transfer credit policy for admitted students

Students may transfer a maximum of 6 graduate credits from an external, accredited institution, or another Hood graduate program prior to the first semester of study in the current program. Please review the full graduate transfer credit policy in the College catalog.

Students can complete the MBA program coursework in approximately two to three years depending on the pace of coursework that they choose.

Students should consult their adviser and the course schedule each semester to determine how they will fulfill the program requirements. The program director contact information is located at the bottom of the MBA homepage and students' academic advisers are indicated on their letters of admission. These faculty members can assist in planning a program of study that is based on a student's professional and career goals. All students must consult with their adviser before signing up for any final research project.

As part of the Graduate School at Hood College, students have the opportunity to work closely with faculty who can assist in the pursuit of academic and professional goals. Students are encouraged to get to know their faculty advisers and course professors to make the most of their graduate school experience.

To see a detailed course schedule for the program, click here

Six foundation courses (18 credit hours) are designed to provide a background for students who did not take courses in business administration at the undergraduate level. Students who have completed appropriate undergraduate coursework may be exempted from foundation courses. It is expected that students meet the foundation requirements before they enroll in core requirements. Any exceptions to this must be approved by the MBA program director. Any foundation courses required are in addition to the 36 credits required for program completion.

ECON 551Foundations of Economics3.0
MGMT 550Business Analytics3.0
MGMT 551Management Theory3.0
MGMT 553Foundations of Accounting3.0
MGMT 554Legal Environment of Business3.0

Core Requirements

Ten core courses (30 credit hours) provide a common body of knowledge and are required of all students in the MBA program. These courses provide a solid foundation in the functional areas of business, such as finance, marketing and accounting. The program exposes students to the environmental factors affecting business operations. Included in the core is a capstone course, MGMT 590 Strategy and Competitive Advantage, which is taken by MBA students in their final semester of study after all other core courses have been completed. Students must meet the prerequisite requirements before enrolling in a class. Any exceptions to this policy must be approved by the academic adviser.

ECON 560Managerial Economics3.0
MGMT 560Leadership & Organizational Behavior3.0
MGMT 561Financial Management3.0
MGMT 562Financial & Managerial Accounting3.0
MGMT 563Marketing Management3.0
MGMT 564Production & Operations Management3.0
MGMT 565International Management3.0
MGMT 566Information Management & Technology3.0
MGMT 567Organizational Sustainability3.0
MGMT 590Strategy & Competitive Advantage3.0


Focus Areas

Students are required to complete two elective courses. Students may elect to take courses in one area to receive a focus area (accounting, finance, human resource management, information systems, marketing or public management) or may take courses from two different focus areas to receive a general management MBA. No substitutions are allowed with regard to any focus area courses. Courses may count for requirements in two focus areas, but the credits can only count toward one focus area. 6 credits are required for each focus area.


Accounting Focus Area

MGMT 568Accounting Information Systems3.0
MGMT 580Strategic Cost Management3.0
MGMT 581Financial Statement Analysis3.0

Data Analytics Focus Area

ITMG 516Introduction to Data Analytics and Business Data Mining3.0
CSIT 512Elements of Computer Programming3.0
ITMG 524Advanced Data Analytics3.0

Finance Focus Area

MGMT 576Advanced Financial Management3.0
MGMT 577Portfolio and Investment Management3.0
ECMG 578/ECMG 478International Financial Management3.0
MGMT 581Financial Statement Analysis3.0

Human Resource Management Focus Area

MGMT 582Negotiation & Conflict Resolution3.0
MGMT 585Human Resource Management3.0

Information Systems Focus Area

Students may select courses in Information Systems by selecting two graduate computer science courses with the consent of their adviser and the director of the computer science program.


Marketing Focus Area

MGMT 570Marketing Analysis for Managers3.0
MGMT 571Advertising Management3.0
MGMT 572Supply Chain Management3.0

Public Management Focus Area

MGMT 585Human Resource Management3.0
MGMT 587Public Administration3.0

National Institutes of Health's Foundation of Advanced Education in the Sciences (FAES)

Hood accepts credits from the National Institutes of Health's Foundation of Advanced Education in the Sciences (FAES). Upon acceptance to any of the Hood College's programs listed below, students may submit their official FAES transcript for course-transfer review by the program director. Final approval must be issued by program chair for any course transfer.

FAES CourseHood Equivalent
PBHL 517: Health Policy and Administration (with work experience)MGMT 551: Foundations of Economics
TECH 521: Tools for Technology Transfer Managers or TECH 525: Legal and Ethical Issues in Public Health and Biomedical SciencesMGMT 554: Legal Environ. of Bus.
*An FAES student may count up to 9 FAES credits toward their MBA degree pending approval of the program director.
*Additional FAES courses, may be approved for transfer if deemed relevant by the MBA program director


$690 Per Credit

18-24 Months

Average Completion Time

36 Total Credits

Program Contact

Li Grad School Contact Headshot

Program Director, MBA

Nick Masucci

Assistant Director of Graduate Admission & Data Management

Office: 301-696-3601 Cell/WhatsApp: 240-651-4015

Fast Facts

Surveys show that more than 80 percent of MBAs land a position within three months of graduating.

All Faculty

Sang Kim

  • Associate Professor of Economics and Management
Dr Qiao

Graduate Faculty Focus | Yankuo Qiao, Ph.D.

"Our MBA program equips students with the skills, knowledge and network needed to thrive in today’s competitive business landscape, resonating with Hood College’s integration of liberal arts and professions."

    Haley Greene

    Graduate Student Spotlight | Haley Greene

    "I think everyone should have a basic understanding of business analytics because whatever field you are in, you will need to be able to make some kind of organizational plan."

      Ernesto Gonzalez

      Military Graduate Student Focus | Ernesto Gonzalez

      "I think the education that I receive here at Hood College will set me up for success in my life and career because of the practical knowledge the program provides and my ability to apply that knowledge to real world scenarios.”