Hood College 4PLUS Program



As a Hood student, you’ll have the option to pursue combined or accelerated degree programs that let you work concurrently toward your bachelor’s and master’s degrees in four-plus years.


Thanks to the small classes and readily available faculty you were accustomed to during your undergraduate studies at Hood, you can count on continued personal attention and advice when selecting the courses and specialty track that best suit your career goals.

As bachelor’s degrees become more common and the job market more competitive, a master's degree is becoming increasingly valuable when it comes to working your way into a high-paying career. But there's a downside: two more years in school means more lost income and probably more student debt, as well.

Hood’s 4PLUS program will save you the cost and study time of graduate admission tests, application fees and extra courses. By working with your adviser, you can start taking courses toward your master's in your junior or senior year and earn dual-course credit for both your undergraduate and master's degree in several majors. A minimum undergraduate cumulative GPA of 3.0 is required for consideration into the 4Plus program path.

Recent Hood alums, who graduated with a bachelor's degree in the last three years, are welcomed back to campus (or online) to pursue a graduate degree. Alumni of the Last Three Years (ALTY) scholars will benefit from the following: last three graduate credits at no cost, undergraduate credits applied to master's degrees (based on major and grad degree), expedited admission decision for recent alumni, priority consideration for TA/GA positions, and priority registration as a current Hood student. Please note that admission is contingent upon receipt of your final official transcript from the undergraduate college, which must confirm your degree conferral date. Additionally, your final cumulative GPA must meet or exceed the GPA considered at the time of admission.

In most cases, a master’s degree can be completed in the fifth year; an additional semester beyond the fifth year will be required depending on summer enrollment and program selected. For more information, contact your academic adviser or email gofurther@hood.edu.

Explore 4PLUS Degrees & Application Process

Hood undergraduate students with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, interested in applying to the 4PLUS dual degree program should follow these easy steps:

1. Indicate interest in the 4PLUS program on the Major Declaration Form by the second semester of your sophomore year; if you have already declared a major, skip to number 2.

2. By your second semester of  your sophomore year, complete the 4PLUS Dual Degree Request Form

3. Once approved to pursue the 4PLUS program, complete the 4PLUS Undergraduate/Graduate Dual Degree Enrollment Form with your academic adviser for programs that allow the use of 9 graduate credits to be used for both undergraduate and graduate degrees.

4. At the start of your final semester of senior year, apply to your Hood graduate program of choice by completing the graduate online application form. Please note that admission is contingent upon receipt of your final official transcript from the undergraduate college, which must confirm your degree conferral date. Additionally, your final cumulative GPA must meet or exceed the GPA considered at the time of admission.

To learn more about the 4PLUS program, contact:
Nick Masucci '17, Assistant Director of Graduate Admission
4PLUS Grad School Liaison
(301) 696-3601

Open to undergraduate biology and biochemistry majors, first-year and transfer students.

Entrance into the booming biomedical field is competitive, but achievable, with this master's degree in biomedical science. Thinking about medical school? This is another path that will make your med school application more competitive than your peers. Research partnership with government and private labs in the region permit a variety of research and thesis options.

Open to all undergraduate majors, first-year and transfer students.

An MBA remains the gold standard for advancement in many corporations. In every class working toward your MBA, you’ll be in the driver’s seat, looking at actual organizations in real time through projects that examine organizations’ strategies, finances, operations or management. Group projects prepare you for team initiatives, analytical and integrative competencies, as well as the collaboration and communication skills necessary in the workplace.

Hood College undergraduate students from all majors are eligible to participate in the dual degree program that allows for an accelerated master's degree in Computer Science in approximately one year after the completion of their undergraduate program. 

This 4PLUS track is ideal for students who want to acquire or update their skills in cutting-edge computer science technologies – and tackle the challenges inherent in capturing, storing, sharing, transferring and analyzing data.

Students interested in this option would need to incorporate graduate foundation courses, CSIT 512, CS 508, CS 519 and MATH 505 within their undergraduate program to prepare for the graduate requirements. For more information, please contact the Computer Science program director, Dr. Aijuan Dong (dong@hood.edu). 

Open to undergraduate Art Therapy majors, first-year and transfer students.

The Art Therapy/Counseling program is designed for highly motivated students pursuing an Art Therapy major who desire to earn a master's degree in Counseling at an accelerated pace. It is not appropriate for students who wish to call themselves art therapists professionally.

Students can follow either the Clinical Mental Health Counseling track or the School Counseling Track within the Hood Counseling program. 

Open to undergraduate psychology majors, first-year and transfer students.

The opportunities for employment are great in the current market. There are many different fields for you upon graduation, all offering the distinct possibility to engage in a rewarding and challenging career for many years to come.

The counseling/clinical mental health program will prepare you to work in community mental health programs, hospitals, substance abuse clinics, at-risk youth programs, social services agencies, private counseling practices and similar settings. 

Open to undergraduate psychology majors, first-year and transfer students with special application.

School counselors are agents of change and empower their students and advocate on their behalf. A degree in counseling will help you embark on a successful and rewarding career.

The master's in counseling/school counseling is highly competitive and selective and will prepare you to provide meaningful student counseling services and contribute significantly to education teams in elementary, middle and secondary schools. It includes the opportunity for specialty training in thanatology, knowledge that is increasingly helpful in student crisis response and grief/bereavement counseling situations.  

Open to all undergraduate majors, first-year and transfer students.

The cybersecurity program deepens knowledge of the procedures, tools, and standards used in the field. Students learn systems and network security, computer forensics, cryptography, ethical hacking, and contemporary technologies and techniques in web, wireless and mobile security.

Grounded in a thorough understanding of the technical and managerial aspects of cybersecurity, graduates leave Hood ready to tackle the complex cyber challenges in business, industry, government, education, health, and other fields.

For eligibility, requirements, and timeline, see the specific program details here.

Open to undergraduate environmental science and policy majors, first-year and transfer students.

You’ll be educated in processes that keep our air, water, land and their respective resources clean and sustainable. You will become well versed in the latest research on environmental biology’s most pressing issues, which include climate change and invasive ecology. You’ll learn current, effective techniques for analyzing these pressing environmental issues. As you were accustomed to during your undergraduate studies, you will continue to value close partnerships with faculty with multiple opportunities for research and field work.

Entrance into the booming environmental field is competitive, but achievable, with Hood's master's degree in environmental biology. Hoping to work for a non-profit or federal agency, like the EPA or National Park Service? This master's will strengthen your undergrad degree and put you ahead of the competition for those rigorous placements.

The information technology master's degree is open to all undergraduate majors, first-year and transfer students.

Employment in computer and information technology is one of the fastest growing fields. Get ahead by earning your master’s degree, which will help you differentiate yourself from the competition.

The elective sequence may include a thesis, fieldwork or software engineering project.

Blair Kreh

Graduate Student Focus | Blair Kreh

"Every time I entered a class or lab, I felt inspired to learn. Adapting to an energetic and diverse environment taught me an important life lesson that growth is not necessarily a result of what you learn but how you learn. As I now approach the end of my master’s degree program, I am even more grateful for every professor—biology, chemistry and physics—who helped guide me through my journey at Hood College."

    Samantha Brandt

    Introducing New GSA President | Samantha Brandt

    Hood MBA student, Samantha Brandt, is the new Graduate Student Association (GSA) President. Samantha is also a Hood ALTY scholar as she completed her undergraduate studies in Biology at Hood College.

      4PLUS Program

      Spotlight on 4PLUS Program

      April Boulton, Ph.D., dean of The Graduate School answers questions about Hood's 4Plus dual-degree program.