Career Center

Catherine Filene Shouse Center for Career Development & Experiential Education

We're here to help! Use the tools of the Career Center to explore possible majors and the world of work. Discover civic engagement, internships, and employment opportunities. Begin preparing for your future today!

Get Started With Handshake

From career and internship fairs to chats with employers, workshops on job searches, resumes, and interviewing, find a complete list in Handshake. Search hundreds of internships and job postings or book an appointment with a career counselor. Use your Hood email address and regular email password to access the system. Alumni, request special access to the system through the login page. Want to learn more? Watch this video.


For additional support, email

Getting Started with Handshake

Career Closet and Photo Booth

Need a professional outfit for your next interview, internship, career fair, or networking event? Visit the Career Closet and LinkedIn Photo Booth inside the Career Center on the second floor of the Apple Building. Watch this short video on how you can use these services. 

Image removed.


Career Closet and Photo Booth

What Kind of Careers Can I Have With My Major?


Whether you’re exploring majors or searching for information about your chosen field, What Can I Do With This Major? is a website that will help you connect majors to careers. Learn about typical career areas and types of employers that hire people with each major, as well as strategies to make you a more marketable candidate. Continue your research through the websites provided.

What Can I Do With This Major

Hood College's All-New Alumni Networking Platform - Alumnifire

Join Hood College's new social media networking platform Alumnifire and connect with Hood graduates waiting to help you. Alumnifire makes it easy to find Hood graduates who are invested in your success! Sign up today!

  • Get career advice from professionals in a variety of fields
  • Find a mentor
  • Have an industry expert review your resume
  • Let an alum help you with an introduction or networking
  • Find job shadowing opportunities

Signing up is free and easy. Click here to become part of Hood's Alumnifire network

Alumnifire - Hood College's New Alumni Networking Platform for Students

Hire a Blazer

Do you need exceptional people to fill jobs, internships, project-based micro internships, or volunteer opportunities? Let us connect you with talented undergraduate and graduate students as well as alumni with the skills you need to move your business, government agency, or nonprofit organization forward!  

See a list of Career Center Events and register your company and representatives to attend!

  • To recruit students or alumni, contact Maura Page, Assistant Director of Employer Relations, at
  • To find an intern or to develop an internship opportunity, email Bre Harwood at
  • To meet students interested in volunteer or nonprofit internship opportunities, email
  • The Career Center is excited to connect students with Blazer alumni!  If you are a Hood College graduate, who would like to recruit students for employment, internships, or volunteering, let us know!
Hire a Blazer

Kick-Start Your Job Search

The Career Center recommends a variety of job search strategies and tools. CareerShift seeks out hard to find postings and offers organizational features to help you keep track of your applications and searches that provide the best results. This resource is available to both currently enrolled undergraduate and graduate students as well as Hood College alumni.  Setting up an account only takes a few minutes and tutorials are offered as part of the product.  Be sure to use your Hood College email address to gain access to CareerShift.

The Career Center is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. till 5 p.m. Evening sessions by appointment. Need help with your job search? Contact us at



Graduate Students - Just for You

The Career Center is open to meet your needs Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. till 5:00 p.m., other times available by appointment. 

The Career Center has resources to help graduate students with job transitions and job searches. Whether you need help with your resume, finding positions, or preparing for an interview, email, or visit Handshake to make an appointment. Click here to get started.

Looking for information on companies that work with OPT and H1B Visas click here to access our Tips For International Job Seekers handout. 

Graduate School


of graduating seniors engaged in experiential education last year.


students sought out individual career counseling during the academic year

120+ Frederick County businesses hosted interns during the 2022-2023 academic year.