Accessibility Services
Access | Independence | Advocacy
Office of Accessibility Services Overview
The Office of Accessibility Services (OAS) at Hood College assists and supports eligible students with disabilities. Student services may include individualized accommodation plans, access to student success coaches, and campus workshops and programs. The primary goal of OAS is to remove barriers to access, eliminate the stigma around disability, and to promote student self-advocacy and independence. We collaborate with faculty/instructors, staff, outside agencies, and the greater community to promote inclusive practices and disability awareness on campus.
Our office is located on the 4th floor of the of the Beneficial-Hodson Library & Learning Commons.
Email: accessibilityservices@hood.edu | Phone: (301) 696-3421 | Secure Fax: (301) 696-3952
Mailing Address: Office of Accessibility Services, 401 Rosemont Ave., Frederick, MD, 21701
Instagram: @hood_accessibility
Please review the dates and timelines provided below to understand when to submit accommodation requests and how long to expect processes to take.
General Inquiries Timeline
OAS does its best to respond to general inquiries to the email or voicemail inbox within 24 hours. Due to the high volume of requests at peak times in the semester (e.g. the first two weeks of the semester, midterms, finals) responses may be delayed.
Accommodation Request Timeline
The accommodation request process can vary in length based on whether the student has all required documentation prepared at the time of the intake appointment. Students can generally make an intake appointment within several days of submitting their request and can expect their accommodation letter within two weeks of (1) their intake appointment, and (2) submission of appropriate documentation.
Students are welcome to schedule an appointment before they have their documentation assembled, but they will not receive an accommodation letter until the documentation is received and reviewed.
Housing Accommodation Priority Deadlines
Students may request accommodations at any time, but there are priority deadlines to consider to ensure accommodations can be implemented before the start of a semester.
Current Students: Priority date for housing accommodations is March 14, 2025. This includes documentation! If you submit a request before March 14 but it does not include required documentation, it will not be considered for the priority deadline. You may submit accommodation requests after March 14, but we cannot guarantee the availability of all accommodations, and you may be waitlisted.
Incoming First Year Students ONLY: Priority date for housing accommodations is July 1. This includes documentation! If you submit a request before July 1 but it does not include required documentation, it will not be considered for the priority deadline. You may submit accommodation requests after July 1, but we cannot guarantee the availability of all accommodations, and you may be waitlisted.
The transition from high school to college can be intimidating for everyone, including students with disabilities. At Hood we want to make that transition as smooth as possible. Here are a few important things to know.
- IEPs and 504 plans do not automatically transfer to college. Each student with a disability must register with the Office of Accessibility Services (OAS) and request accommodations.
- The laws that affect high school students with disabilities are different from those that affect college students. While the primary directive in high school was student success, the directive in college is access. You may notice that accommodations look slightly different in college for this reason.
- Caregivers do not have access to student information unless the student signs a waiver. Help your student prepare for college by:
- including them in their senior year IEP or 504 meetings,
- talking to them about their disability documentation and what it means, and
- helping them practice discussing their disability and how it shows up in their life.
- There is one process to request or renew any accommodations. Students can start the process at any time, but accommodations are not retroactive. That process is:
- Submit a request form.
- Participate in an intake interview and share documentation.
- Get notified of whether accommodations are approved.
- Share accommodation information with professors (if you have academic accommodations).
- Renew accommodations every year using the same request form.
Tips for Prospective Students with Disabilities Preparing for College:
- Research the accommodation process: Look up the accommodation process at your chosen colleges and determine required documentation. Are there priority deadlines for housing?
- At your last IEP or 504 meeting: Attend and discuss potential college supports and gather copies of any evaluations or testing information that is part of your file.
- Gather relevant documentation: This can take time, so start early. Contact the disability office after selecting a college, especially for housing needs.
- Talk to your caregivers: Discuss the types of support you might need and practice self-advocacy.
- Check with service providers: Determine if virtual services are available; explore options for 90-day prescriptions; connect with a local pharmacy.
- Connect with Department of Rehabilitation Services (if relevant)
Caregiver Resources
- Maryland’s Secondary Transition Planning Guide for Individuals with Disabilities
- OSERS Transition Guide to Postsecondary Education and Employment for Students and Youth with Disabilities
- Paving the Way to Better Postsecondary Outcomes for Students with Disabilities [Video]
- Facilitating Postsecondary Success: Strategies to Remove Service Roadblocks for Students with Disabilities [Infographic]
- Secondary Transition Planning for Students with Disabilities [Infographic]
- Students with Disabilities Preparing for Postsecondary Education: Know Your Rights and Responsibilities
Information for Faculty & Staff
Faculty and Staff are key partners in promoting accessibility on campus and OAS is grateful for your collaboration. Here are a few tips and resources to support you and your work.
- Use inclusive languages in your syllabus. Make sure to reference accessibility services.
- At the beginning of each semester, encourage students to share any accommodation letters with you via email and to make an appointment to discuss their accommodations.
- Not all accommodations work in all settings. If you have questions or concerns about accommodations in your environment, connect with OAS as a thought partner.
- Students with extended time accommodations may take their tests in the testing center, but they don’t have to. You can also facilitate accommodations in the classroom, during your office hours, etc.
- Ask before you deny! If you have a question about a student’s request for accommodation, please reach out to OAS before denying the request.
Accessibility Resources for Faculty & Staff
The information presented below is presented as a resource, not an endorsement or recommendation. For specific recommendations, please contact your primary care provider. You are welcome to use other qualified medical professionals not included on this list.
Within Frederick:
Name | Description | Address/Contact Info |
Orchard Mental Health Group |
| 10 N Jefferson St Ste #202
240-560-5938 |
Frederick Psychology Center |
| 220 North Market Street
301-695-6455 |
Medpsych Health Services |
| 700 Montclaire Ave Suite 3
240-464-8000 |
Sheppard Pratt |
| 604 Solarex Court, Suite 201
301-663-8263 |
Outside Frederick:
Name | Description | Address/Contact Info |
Chesapeake Center |
| 6430 Rockledge Dr #500, Bethesda MD, 20817
301-562-8448 |
Loyola Clinical Center |
| 5911 York Road, Suite 100 Baltimore, MD 21212
410-617-1200 |
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