Academic Partnerships
Hood works cooperatively and strategically with its many partners to augment student learning and enhance the quality of life in the region and beyond. Students work with our career center staff to secure volunteer positions, internships and permanent employment with our more than 600 partner organizations in government, private and nonprofit industries throughout the region.
Our faculty help students pursue their passions through real-world experiences that enhance classroom instruction. Students work side-by-side with scientists and professors conducting research, intern in local professional development schools and study abroad to gain marketable skills and professional experience.
All of our graduate programs partner with employers in the region, which also serve on our program advisory boards and provide invaluable industry-relevant input on our evolving curriculum. To view a given program's advisory board membership, visit their program web page.
Hood’s relationship with Fort Detrick has many threads, and is constantly evolving. The first master’s degree in biomedical science offered in Maryland was developed by Hood biologists and Fort Detrick scientists, an example of the symbiotic relationship of two organizations that have very different purposes but share many of the same intellectual interests and values. In many ways Fort Detrick has served as an extension of the campus and our programs in the sciences.
Additionally, If you are currently stationed as an active duty soldier at Fort Detrick in Frederick, MD, and would like to take advantage of the Hood College/Fort Detrick educational agreement to take graduate level courses and earn a graduate degree (certificate or Master's) FREE OF TUITION CHARGE, please visit our Hood Fort Detrick Soldiers website for additional information.
The Graduate School has articulation agreements that allow Gettysburg and McDaniel students to transfer a portion of their undergraduate credits toward the 33-credit Environmental Biology master’s program at Hood College. The agreements also allow eligible students to waive some of their introductory course requirements and instead take specialized electives. Click here to learn more about these partnerships.
Hood College is partnering with the Frederick County Chamber of Commerce to offer greater support to Leadership Frederick County (LFC), a program run by the Chamber since the 1980s. Hood, with its mission of using education to empower students to lead purposeful lives of responsibility, leadership, service and civic engagement, is excited to partner with the Chamber in supporting their mission of creating value for their members through leadership and education. The College sees this opportunity to support the Chamber as part of their civic responsibility to support leadership development in Frederick County.
For more information about LFC, click here.
FAES Course Hood Equivalent
PBHL 517 Health Policy and Administration (with work experience) MGMT 551 Foundations of Economics
TECH 521 Tools for Technology Transfer Managers MGMT 554 Legal Environ. of Bus.
TECH 525 Legal and Ethical Issues in Public Health and Biomedical Sciences
*An FAES student may count up to 9 FAES credits toward their MBA degree pending approval of the program director.
*Additional FAES courses, may be approved for transfer if deemed relevant by the MBA program director.
FAES Course Hood Equivalent
STAT 5000 II-0 Statistics for Biomedical Scientists II BIFX 503 Statistics for Bioinformatics
BIOF 518 Theoretical and Applied Bioinformatics BIFX 550 Nucleic Acid Sequence
BIOF 509 Applied Machine Learning BIFX 502 Foundations in Comp Sci (Certificate Only)
*An FAES student may count up to 9 FAES credits toward their BIFX degree or up to 6 credits toward their BIFX certificate, pending approval of the program director.
FAES Course Hood Equivalent
All BIOF 500 Level courses Up to 6 credits as BMS Electives
1 FAES Workshop One Lab equivalent in BMS
*An FAES student may count up to 6 FAES credits toward their BMS degree pending approval of the BMS program director.
Hood accepts credits from the National Institutes of Health's Foundation of Advanced Education in the Sciences (FAES). Upon acceptance to any of the Hood College's programs listed below, students may submit their official FAES transcript for course-transfer review by the program director. Final Approval must be issued by program chair for any course transfer.
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