SPIRE Symposium
SPIRE Symposium, Monday, April 21, 2025, 9:00 AM-6:30 PM
See a sample day of event program from 2024 located HERE.
Your writing, research, and creative works are important to the Hood College community! The SPIRE Symposium is a celebration of both undergraduate and graduate student achievement and an opportunity for you to gain experience presenting your work to faculty, your fellow students, staff, and other interested members of the Hood community.
How can you participate?
- Present completed or proposed research project as a talk or a poster
- Gather a panel of peers to discuss a course-related or research topic
- Display original artwork
- Perform a musical piece
- Read a poem or short story
- Demonstrate technology you developed
Those submitting poster presentations, please note that all posters should be completed and submitted by April 4 to ensure that your work is printed in time for the SPIRE Symposium event. All other presenters (e.g., oral presentations, panels) will need to submit their presentation materials (e.g., PowerPoints) by April 4.
Special thanks to the Committee Members who put this event together:
Jessica McManus, Shannon Kundey, Stephanie Masters, Amber Samuels, Sangeeta Gupta, Robert Casas, Lisa Algazi Marcus, Meredith Yeager, Lisa Littlefield, Keri Keefer, Jacob Muldowney, Kimberly Morse-Jones, and Kristen Tzoc.
SPIRE Symposium applications are being accepted!
Priority applications will be reviewed by the SPIRE committee by March 7, 2025. Students will be notified of the status of their application by March 10, 2025.
Final applications will be reviewed by the SPIRE committee by March 21, 2025. Students will be notified of the status of their application by March 24, 2025.
Information you will need for your SPIRES submission:
- If your presentation involves multiple persons, you will need their first and last names, their email addresses, and t-shirt sizes. If you are the only presenter, you just need your name, email, and t-shirt size. Please be sure that all spellings are correct.
- The name of the department or area that best represents your submission (e.g., health sciences, business, study abroad).
- The name and email address of your faculty mentor who is supporting your work.
- The type of presentation that best represents your work. Work with your faculty mentor to determine the best fit. Options include:
- 1-hour poster
- 10-minute oral presentation
- 20-minute panel
- 45-minute panel
- performance
- original artwork
- other (with space to specify)
- Title of your presentation
- Description of your work (50 words or less).
- The description should provide enough detail so that members of the Hood community can know what to expect from your presentation.
- Need examples?
SPIRES 2023 Event Program.pdf for last year’s program!
- Work with your faculty mentor to develop your description.
- If you need any special equipment, technology, or other considerations for your presentation, there will be space on the application to let us know.
- Poster Presentations 9:00 A.M. – 9:45 A.M. Whitaker Campus Commons
- Break– 9:45 A.M. – 10:00 A.M.
- Oral Presentations – Session 1 10:00 A.M. – 10:45 A.M. Beneficial-Hodson Library and Learning Commons
- Oral Presentations – Session 2 10:55 A.M. – 11:40 A.M. Beneficial-Hodson Library and Learning Commons
- Oral Presentations – Session 3 11:50 A.M. – 12:35 P.M. Beneficial-Hodson Library and Learning Commons
- Break – 12:35 P.M. – 1:15 P.M.
- Poster Presentations 1:15 P.M. – 2:00 P.M. Whitaker Campus Commons
- Tischer Honors Scholars Presentations and Reception - 2:00 - 5:00 P.M. Tatem Arts Center
- Grad-Student Poster Presentations 5:30 P.M. – 6:30 P.M. Whitaker Campus Commons
Thank you to all of the students who participated in and attended SPIRES 2023! It was a full day of learning, featuring 39 presentations (of which 20 were Tischer Scholar presentations), 27 posters presented by 51 students, and 20 students showcasing their artwork. Some students were involved in multiple presentations/posters.
2023 Christine P. Tischer Scholars Program
To check out some of the recorded presentations, click the links below:
Recorded Events
- Volpe Scholars Abroad
- Study Abroad Panel
- Internship at the Wilds
- Baseball and the Bottom Line
- Social Evolution and Challenges in Spanish Comics and Graphic Novels
- Will increases in income further light up Nepal?
- Merck Case Study
- Southwest Case Study
- Impact of Family Engagement on Children's Literacy Achievement
- How Weight-Inclusive Healthcare Can Improve Patient Outcomes
- College Food Insecurity and Enhacing Hood College's Campus Cupboard
SPIRES 2022, 2023, and 2024

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