Morad Eghbal

Morad Eghbal Headshot for Faculty Page
  • Undergraduate Faculty

Visiting Professor of Law & Criminal Justice

Tatem 121F


My academic and professional pursuits of some past three and a half decades place the trajectory of my teaching and research at the intersections of law, science, business and entrepreneurship. In the past, I have taught undergraduate and graduate courses in legal, ethical, and historical studies; in the business school, international management and organizational behavior (I and II), and at law school, both Juris Doctor and graduate law courses. At Hood College, I am pleased to be part of the political science department and look forward to exploring with our fine students the various courses and topics offered in the department's curriculum.


BA, George Washington University
MA, George Washington University
JD, Howard University School of Law 
LLM Transactional Business Practice, McGeorge School of Law

C.V. or Resume