Discovering the Humanities Conference
Save the date: Saturday, September 18, 2021, 3 p.m.- 6 p.m.
The Hood College Humanities Council and the Master of Arts in Humanities Program are excited to announce our forth annual undergraduate and graduate student conference, "Discovering the Humanities."
This year, the conference will be presented virtually. Click here to register for the event.
The conference is open to all current undergraduate and graduate students, including those planning to graduate in spring 2021. Students may submit a seminar paper, Departmental Honors paper, research project, or thesis produced for any humanities-related course in art and archaeology, English, global languages and cultures, history, music, philosophy, religion, or any other humanities program unique to your institution.
This is an opportunity for students to experience an academic conference and practice delivering a paper in a relatively low-pressure environment. Students will also have an opportunity to get to know others with similar interests.
Questions? Contact Dr. Aaron Angello (
Panel A (3:00 – 3:50 PM)
- Sanya Grace Kunicki (Hood College) - “Un jardin para la verdad”
- Isabella Sager (Shepherd University) - “Odysseus as the Anti-War Figure: Disguise, Manipulation, and PTSD in Homer’s Odyssey”
- Jessica M. Hopkins (Hood College) - “Existential Vonnegut: Exploring the Allure of Tralfamadore”
Panel B (4:00 – 4:50 PM)
- Kayla Swain (Hood College) - “Goodness as Gender Performance in The Good Woman of Setzuan”
- Lee DiFante (Shepherd University) - “Queer Representation and the Zeitgeist”
- Tanner Boeckmann (Shepherd University) - “An Exploration of Gender Bias in Criticisms of Toni Morrison’s Work”
Keynote Address (5:00 PM)
Lawrie Balfour, Ph.D. (James Hart Professor of Politics, University of Virginia)
We know, for some of you, presenting at an academic conference is a new experience and can be nerve-racking.
Here are a few resources we like that can help you turn your essay into a conference presentation.
Alexandra Gold - Nail Your Next Conference Presentation
from CUNY’s Writing Center - Adapting a Paper for a Talk
from NC State University's Department of History - Tips for Presenting Conference Papers
This year, the conference will be presented virtually. Click here to register for the event.
Discovering the Humanities Conference

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