Ensuring High-Impact Student Learning


High-impact learning is a priority of Hood’s Forging the Future comprehensive campaign. One experience—one pathway opened—can change a life forever. Hood students have enormous power and potential. High-impact learning unlocks capacity and transforms futures. You have the power to bring these life-changing opportunities to Hood College students. Join us to remove economic barriers and to position our students for personal and professional success.

Giving Back | Hood Magazine Fall 2021

Many have embraced Hood’s goal to enable every student to have at least one life-changing experiential learning opportunity, such as internships, study abroad, summer research and service learning. Hood has always offered out-of-the-classroom learning, and many of our degree programs require it. Regardless of a student’s major, high-impact learning experiences:

  • deepen and broaden classroom learning
  • improve confidence, critical thinking and professional development skills
  • support student progress and graduation
  • enable career and self-exploration

Potential employers and advanced degree programs prefer college graduates who have proven their aptitude and themselves through these experiences. However, while increasingly vital for every graduate’s success, these opportunities are not equally available to all Hood students.

Jim and Marylou Herrmann Foley ’64 understand the value and improved educational outcomes these experiences have for students. Marylou was instrumental in developing and leading travel abroad programs throughout her career. Her life-long journey with international travel started in 1963 as a Hood student when she traveled with the Hood choir to East Germany. In the early 1990s, Marylou was invited by the Russian government to help develop tourism and the first Russian educational travel abroad program. She established her company, Tour Designs, Inc., when she saw the need to improve safety, guidelines and credibility in the field.

Both Jim and Marylou have seen students gain broader understanding and viewpoints of the world, as well as appreciation for different cultures and perspectives when they have an opportunity to live in a different country. “The students come away with the other side of the story after living in a different culture,” she said.

Hood is grateful for the establishment of The Stella Elizabeth Ziegler Foley ’28 and Marylouise Herrmann Foley ’64 Endowed International Travel Fund. In part, named after Jim’s mother Stella, a Hood graduate, who was instrumental in introducing Jim and Marylou. The fund allows Hood to provide the award annually to undergraduate students based on interest in studying, living and participating abroad in a global culture. The purpose of this international travel award is to provide exemplary students with the funds to attend a four-week to a semester-long study abroad program. The expectation is that the students will advance their academic education through participation in an international experience.

Internships: Pathways that Change Lives

Site: Department of the State, Office of Water and Conservation
Focus: Environmental Science and Policy
“This internship with the Department of the State, Office of Water and Conservation was incredibly influential
in my professional development. It allowed me to grow as a scientist by seeing the other side of environmental problem solving as well as tackle water reuse and security concerns globally from the policy perspective. This is valuable experience that I will be building on within my new position within the U.S. Navy in the fall of this year.”
—Jordan Reed-Estes ’21

Site: Asian American Center of Frederick
Focus: Global Studies
“My internship helped develop my aptitude toward working in a professional setting and the opportunity of implementing my own initiative project, the Asian & Pacific Islander Cultural Education series for kids ages eight to 11 years old. The educational project was a six-week project incorporating interdisciplinary subjects. My initiative project was a success; Asian American Center of Frederick conveyed its intention to keep the program.”
—Marhaennia English ’21

Site: Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance
Focus: Mathematics
“I am grateful for the experience I had at the Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance this past spring. This internship showed me how to apply my mathematical skills in re- al-world applications, such as measuring different census demographics in different parts of Baltimore City and what the data means in relation to problems like transportation, food deserts and school closures.”
—Marietta Catina Cordero ’22

Site: National Aquarium in Baltimore
Focus: Biology
“Interning at the National Aquarium in Baltimore was a life-changing opportunity. It allowed me to reconnect with my passion for animal behavior and husbandry. The staff and volunteers were so inclusive and helped me grow as a student and a person. I highly recommend this internship as well as a visit to check out all the unique animals they have.”
—Hannah Pause ’21

Site: Alzheimer’s Association
Focus: Psychology

Student: Devon Carter ’21

Site: Integral Health Partners, LLC
Focus: Business Administration
Student: Sarah Colthart ’22

Site: Maryland State Police
Focus: Criminal Justice
Student: Bardlee Mehaffie ’21

Site: Imagilin Technology LLC
Focus: Biochemistry

Student: Zo Mawi ’22

Site: United Parcel Service
Focus: Business Administration
Student: Henry Dekker ’21

Site: United Way of Frederick Co.
Focus: Sociology

Student: Maame Baffour ’21

Site: Mount Olivet Cemetery
Focus: History

Student: Katelyn Klukosky ’21

Site: Frederick YMCA

Focus: Business Administration
Student: Elile Kebede ’21

Site: Kohlisys, LLC
Focus: Computer Science
Student: Gaganpreet Kaur ’22

Anyone can be an active part in Hood’s Forging the Future comprehensive campaign...

“One experience—one pathway opened—can change a life forever.”


This story was originally published in the Fall 2021 issue of Hood Magazine. To view this story as it appears in print click here