Hood College Information Technology Program Celebrates 35 Years


Ahmed Salem, Ph.D, Program Director, IT discusses the 35th anniversary of the program

Interview with Ahmed Salem, Ph.D | Program Director, Information Technology M.S.


  • Information Technology (M.S.)


  • Computer Science & Information Technology

Can you provide a quick bio/background?

I am an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science and Information Technology at Hood College. I am also the program director for the Information Technology Master's program and the graduate certificate in Cybersecurity. I was born and raised in Cairo, Egypt and received a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the Higher Technological Institute in Cairo. I earned both my M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science and Computer Engineering from the University of Louisville, KY in 2005.

It’s the 35th anniversary of Hood College's IT program. What can you tell me about the program's legacy?

Our legacy lays in those who have worked and studied at Hood College in the Information Technology program throughout the years. Students from around the globe come to Hood College specifically for our program. An important person we should remember is Dr. Elizabeth Chang. Professor Chang served for at Hood College for 46 years. She created the College's Information Technology program and served as the department chair and the graduate program director for many years.

How would you describe your journey working at Hood College?

I consider my Hood College journey to be one of adventure. I have the opportunity to get to know students’ individual differences, abilities, and interests. In spite of all the benefits and joys that accompany my journey, there are also incredible challenges such as upgrading classes on a regular basis to meet the academic and the industry standards.

Anything new in the Department of Information Technology this year as it reaches its 35th milestone?

We just launched the IT and Cybersecurity Master's programs online which is very exciting. These new online programs were designed for individuals who integrate information technology in a variety of applied work environments, such as business, government, education and medicine.

Is there anything else that you would like to add?

Hood College professors care about their students and the quality of their teaching. We are very proud of the academic quality of our programs at Hood College.

Inspired to #GOFURTHER in your studies and career? Learn about Hood College's graduate programs, including its IT and Cybersecurity programs by clicking here.