Jake Howell '21 | Baseball Meets Computer Science


Jake Howell '21, former member of the Blazers baseball team, earned a National League Championship ring with the Arizona Diamondbacks while working in the front office as a full stack developer.


Graduation Year



  • Computer Science (B.S.)


  • Computer Science & Information Technology

Jake Howell ’21 recently received a National League Championship Ring as a member of the front office with the Arizona Diamondbacks. Howell is a full stack software developer who engineers and maintains business applications that support various departments and personnel in front-office operations.

The computer science curriculum and internships he completed via connections made at Hood prepared him to hit the ground running in his career right after graduation.

How did you receive this opportunity with the Arizona Diamondbacks?

I decided to pursue a career in professional baseball after I had taken up coaching in my free time shortly after graduating from Hood. Having my last two years playing baseball at Hood affected by COVID, I felt my relationship with baseball ended abruptly. I spent time researching career offerings within the MLB and was surprised to find software development as an option. I interviewed with the Diamondbacks and the development team, and I felt like we were a fit for each other.

What has your experience been like so far?

The last two years have been an unbelievable experience. To be in a Major League Baseball front office every day is a dream come true. On top of that, being able to see postseason baseball and a World Series run up close and personal is a memory that will last a lifetime. I think any former athlete from a good culture can relate when I say that being in an environment where everyone has a common focus and common goal is a special place to be. Being in an office everyday where everyone wants the same thing creates this inclusive environment—very similar to what I experienced as a student-athlete. It’s been a fun ride so far, and I truly look forward to each day. I can personally attest that when you do what you love, you do not work a day in your life.

How will this opportunity to work with the Arizona Diamondbacks assist you with future jobs?

I’m a big believer in the fact that learning never stops. In my time with the Diamondbacks so far, I’ve learned so much that has helped me grow professionally and personally. Being open to the continuation of learning will assist anyone in their future, no matter where they are in their career journey. Moving from Maryland to Arizona also taught me to be adaptable. My life changed in many ways with this move, so I’ve developed some confidence that I’ll be able to adapt and make the most of any situation.

Would you recommend opportunities like this for Hood students?

You'd be surprised at the careers that are possible in sports. I remember being really surprised that there were software development careers in MLB front offices. I can’t speak for other leagues, but I do know that each MLB team has their own dedicated webpage with their current job openings.

Learn more about the computer science program here.