Kelly Cross Bennett ’00

Kelly Cross Bennett ’00

Kelly Cross Bennett ’00

B.A. History and French; Study abroad: Strasbourg, France

Graduation Year


Tell us why you chose to attend Hood?  Was there a particular moment when you knew Hood was where you wanted to pursue your bachelor’s degree?

I knew I wanted a women's college and only applied to them. I loved Hood the moment I stepped foot on campus for an overnight stay. The students were so down to earth and kind. I loved the small classes and family like atmosphere. It wasn't too close to New York where I am from but not too far either. It was truly the perfect fit.

When did you know that you wanted to make a study abroad experience part of your Hood career? How did you decide upon France as your academic destination?

I always knew I would study abroad in France. I took French all through high school and did 2 student exchanges in Niort, France in high school. When I picked Hood I knew it had a strong Strasbourg, France study abroad program so that was a no-brainer for me.

Tell us about your life in Strasbourg; what was the most challenging part of your experience? What did you find most rewarding?

Those 6 months in Strasbourg were magical. Since Strasbourg is the European capital there were exchange students from all over Europe and the United States all studying together which was really unique. The most challenging part was taking University courses in French, I did struggle with that aspect but it was a great experience because I immersed myself in the language and culture. The most rewarding part for sure was all the traveling my friends and I did. We got two week breaks throughout the semester and traveled to Ireland, England, Scotland, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Spain, and Amsterdam. Strasbourg is so centralized that a weekend trip to Barcelona and then another to Amsterdam were totally doable and so much fun!

How would you compare your university experiences between the United States and France? What are some advantages and disadvantages of the two academic cultures?

My university experience in France was quite different then the college experience in the US. There were students of various ages and nationalities in Strasbourg all studying together. Hood certainly had diversity but not the variety of cultures like I found in France. I would say a disadvantage of the academic culture in Strasbourg was all the different language barriers.

What was your most favorite, non-academic experience you had in France? 

The friends I made living in Strasbourg were so special and we had such a bond living in France together. I am still friendly with some of the students who came through the Hood program from other colleges.

How did your experiences in Strasbourg impact your career aspirations? 

I’m not sure it impacted my career aspirations BUT I can say as a public school teacher in Montgomery County Public Schools I am always reflecting back on how difficult it was to acclimate to another country, the language, the culture when I interact with my students whose families come from other countries. I try to be as supportive as possible because I remember how hard it was at first to come to another country without my support system from home. I remember how intimidating the classes in another language were as I try to support my English Language learners.

Lastly, what advice would you give current Hood students who are considering a study abroad experience in France?

Two words- do it! You will truly never get the chance again to immerse yourself in another culture and make friends from all over the world once you graduate. The opportunity to travel alone is a great reason to jump onboard and study abroad!