Luke Staley Urges People to Vote

Junior Luke Staley discussed the importance of getting involved in local politics and voting in the midterm election, in which local positions are decided.
Luke Staley
Graduation Year
- Political Science (B.A.)
- English (B.A.)
Union Bridge, Maryland
- English & Communication Arts
- Political Science
By Elena Rowe, Marketing and Communications Assistant
Junior Luke Staley, who double majors in political science and English, discussed the importance of getting involved in local politics and voting in the midterm election, in which local positions are decided.
“Local elections affect you more than a national election,” he said. “These people work directly with your tax dollars, public safety, small businesses and school systems. If you don’t vote, you are giving up your voice, especially in your community. These candidates can change the way you live with a stroke of a pen, so it’s very important.”
Staley suggested taking just 20 minutes to research the candidates online and submitting an absentee ballot if you can’t make it to the polls.
Staley also believes civic engagement beyond voting is extremely important. He encourages people to post on social media, pass out fliers, knock on doors, call or write candidates, and volunteer. He volunteered for the campaign of Danny Ferrar, who is running for one of the at-large seats on the Frederick County Council. He is a former U.S. Army veteran and the founder of Soldierfit, a military-inspired boot camp with a focus on fitness. Staley met Farrar at a charity event sponsored by the Hood Republicans.
“I really liked what he was about, and the Hood Republicans were so happy to get behind him,” said Staley. “(By getting involved), you are really making a difference to make the community around you a better place.”
Students who are interested in volunteering for campaigns should reach out to political science professors at college or social studies teachers in high school.
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