Outstanding Humanities Student Tara Scibelli

Tara Scibelli

Every year, faculty in each of Hood College's graduate programs honor a particularly outstanding student to honor.

Tara Scibelli

Graduation Year



  • Humanities (M.A.)

This year’s recipient of the Lisa Ann Sullivan Outstanding Humanities Student is Tara Scibelli.

Tara's three years at Hood have been exciting and varied. She traveled internationally to view works of art and historical sites she learned about in the program, and her thesis, a series of poems on contemporary topics entitled The Fact of Whiteness: Female, showcased her creative writing.

With graduation, Tara plans to enjoy her grandson - who inspired some of her poetry - and to continue with her writing. Before coming to Hood, Tara worked for a conservation nonprofit as well as an organization which advocated for keeping the arts in Maryland’s public school systems.

Her daughter, Ariel Grove, graduated from Hood in 2012, making Tara a "reverse legacy." For Tara, the best part of being in the humanities program was “discussing the readings in class, and especially hearing the points of view of the international students.”

While she thought that all the professors were "excellent," her favorite was Dr. Corey Campion, who “showed genuine concern for all the students in the program and was also an excellent lecturer.”

We congratulate her on her outstanding work and wish all the best in her future endeavors!