Q&A with Dylan Beck: Gettysburg National Military Park Intern

Dylan Beck interned at Gettysburg National Military Park during summer 2019.

Dylan Beck

Graduation Year



  • History (B.A.)
  • Management (Minor)


  • The George B. Delaplaine Jr. School of Business
  • History

Why did you choose Hood?

I choose Hood because I was given the opportunity to play baseball and I enjoyed the academic programs offered.

Tell us about a professor who has had an impact on your life at Hood.

Both Dr. Jay Harrison and Dr. Corey Campion have influenced me tremendously. They have both taught me a lot in the classroom and have helped to give me the knowledge I need to plan for a future career. Dr. Harrison helped me find and execute an internship, which I am grateful for, and Dr. Campion has served as my adviser since my sophomore year. I would also like to acknowledged the entire history department for their support and influence throughout my time at Hood.

What has been your favorite class and why?

My favorite class at Hood was Global Empires I, which I took as a sophomore. I enjoyed this class because the topic really piqued my interest, and I enjoyed learning day in and day out in that class.

Why did you choose this internship?

I chose this internship because I wanted to see what it was like to work with the National Park Service. The park has a lot to offer and there is a lot to learn there as well.

What are your future career goals?

Currently I am undecided between going to law school and going to graduate school to pursue a degree in history.

Intern Q&As