Navigating graduate school can be challenging, but at Hood College, we're dedicated to your well-being every step of the way. We provide a comprehensive array of support services tailored specifically for graduate students. From emotional and physical wellness to social, intellectual, and beyond, our programs and resources cover the full spectrum of the eight dimensions of wellness. By prioritizing your holistic health, we ensure you can maintain a healthy school-work-life balance. Explore our Gradcare resources below to discover how we can support you on your journey. If you have questions about these resources, contact wellness@hood.edu.
Tune in to A Degree Further podcast featuring Hood wellness resources (available on YouTube, Apple, Spotify).
- Hood Counseling Services - Free mental health services to Hood graduate students.
- NeighborHOOD Counseling Training Center - Free mental health services to Hood graduate students.
- Thriving Campus - Find a local counselor based on your needs and wants.
- Psychology Today Therapist Finder - Find a local counselor based on your needs and wants.
- Graduate Student Wellness Panel - Learn skills to promote wellbeing from Hood graduate peers.
- RISE Program - Short video series on building resiliency skills.
- Hood Lunchtime Yoga - free weekly yoga practice for Hood students, staff & faculty. RSVP required.
- Recording of Nature Based Strategies for Mental Health presentation
Check out this welcome message from Tammi Simpson, Vice President for Community and Inclusivity:
- Hood Health Services - Located inside Toll House Urgent Care at 501 W7th St
- Navigating Health Insurance via Frederick Health Department
- Hodson Fitness Center - Gym and Aquatics Center are free to Hood graduate students
- Campus Cupboard - Food and toiletry items available to students in need
- SHARE Food Network - Monthly order and pick up of low cost groceries.
- Nutrition and Diet - Recipes, health information and more from the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics
- Healthy Living by Giant - Recipes, workshops, podcasts and more from the nutritionists at Giant.
- Easy and Healthy Recipes - Healthy, low cost recipes from SNAP-Ed.
- STI Testing Kit - Free, anonymous testing kit for sexually transmitted infections
- Lactation Room
- Located in the J. Henry Apple Resource Building (Room 8B). Accommodates one person at a time on a first come, first serve basis. Individuals should bring personal equipment, including membranes, clean tubing, breast shields and collection bottles. For more information or to request access, contact Amanda Dymek at rzepkowski@hood.edu or 301-696-3439.
- Tobacco Free Campus - Hood prohibits smoking/vaping on-campus. If you need help quitting tobacco, there is FREE help available.
- Hood Lunchtime Yoga - free weekly yoga practice for Hood students, staff & faculty. RSVP required.
- Graduate Affinity Groups -Affinity nights for our Asian/Pacific Islander, Black/African American, Latinx/Hispanic, and LGBTQIA+ members. If you believe a group is missing or would like more details, please reach out to GradSuccess@hood.edu.
- LGBTQ+ Resources
- The Frederick Center - Local organization supporting LGBTQ+ community in Frederick through social connection & advocacy.
Incidents of Bias and Hate - Hood College is proud of its diverse community, and we are committed to cultivating and strengthening an inclusive, tolerant, multi-cultural, and intellectually open community.
- Student Success Center - Personal support tailored to help you be successful in the classroom.
- Beneficial-Hodson Library and Learning Commons - Open 24/7 to students (with a Hood ID). Reserve a study room or use computers to complete research. One on one appointments with research librarians are available.
- Office of the Dean of the Chapel - Providing multi-faith support to ALL Hood students on their journey at Hood.
- Faith Communities Near Campus - New to Frederick. Find a local spiritual/religious community.
- Koru Mindfulness - Mindfulness program designed to particular meet needs of college students. Rev. Beth O'Malley is a trained facilitator.
- Hood Lunchtime Yoga - free weekly yoga practice for Hood students, staff & faculty. RSVP required.
- Career Center - Personal support tailored to help you navigate the job market and land your dream job.
- Three-Minute Thesis - Hood's annual competition to present your research in a fun and challenging way.
- Handshake - Online job board for Hood students. Contact careers@hood.edu to learn how to use the site.
- Accounting Services - located in Alumnae Hall (room 213), email accounting@hood.edu, phone 301-696-3207.
- Assistance with Taxes
- Career Center - Personal support tailored to help you find a paid job or internship on campus or in the community.
- Financial Literacy Courses - Held every spring, learn skills to help you manage your money, reduce your debt and save for the future. Contact wellness@hood.edu to learn when the next series begins.
- Hood's Office of Financial Aid
- Frederick Transit - Free bus rides across the Frederick community.
- Frederick Food Security Network - Volunteer at one of several community gardens in the Frederick community, including one on Hood's campus.
- Local Running and Walking Trails & Local Hiking Destinations - Explore the beautiful area surrounding campus.
- Envision Frederick - Dedicated to enhancing the social, economic, & environmental vitality of our community
Call 9-1-1 For emergency response
Call 2-1-1 to be connected to a community resource specialist who can put you in touch with local organizations that provide critical services that can improve—and save—lives.
National crisis hotlines and online services:
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 9-8-8 or 1-800-273-8255
- The Trevor Project (LGBTQ Suicide Hotline): 1-866-488-7386
- Trans Lifeline: 1-877-565-8860
- Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741
- Crisis Text Line for Students of Color: Text STEVE to 741741
Are you ready to say Hello?
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