2021 Mayoral Candidate Forum


Wednesday, June 23

7 to 8:30 p.m.



Register here 


Please join the Political Science Department at Hood College and the City of Frederick Neighborhood Advisory Councils (NACs) for an online 2021 Mayoral Candidate Forum.

“It is core to Hood’s values to protect the spirit of democracy, and we in the Department of Political Science felt an obligation to engage the community and inform people on the candidates ideas through this forum,” said Tamelyn Tucker-Worgs, Associate Professor of Political Science and African American Studies.

“In a time where federal policy garners so much attention, it feels important to put a spotlight on local politics that directly impact the constituents of the city of Frederick.”

Each candidate will provide opening statements, followed by responses and rebuttals to at least three and possible four questions, and end with closing statements. We are asking the community to take 5-10 minutes to submit your questions for the mayoral candidates using this survey by Friday, June 11.

A group of NAC Coordinators and representatives from Hood College will decide the final list of questions based on community feedback. Responses will not be shared with current elected city officials or city staff.  

All candidates who have submitted their formal application to participate in their respective primary have been invited to attend. The current list of 2021 Mayoral Candidates includes: 


  1. Jennifer Dougherty
  2. John Funderburk
  3. Michael O’Connor
  4. Roger Wilson


  1. Jeremy Abbott
  2. Steve Garrahy
  3. Steven Hammrick

The Neighborhood Advisory Councils are community forums for residents to become involved in identifying and recommending positive changes to improve their neighborhoods by enhancing communications with elected officials. The NACs are staffed by community volunteers with support from the City of Frederick.  

We look forward to hosting this debate on behalf of City of Frederick residents. Please be sure to register in advance using this link


Peter Brehm


Tamelyn Tucker-Worgs


Nkem Wellington


Media Contact

Mason Cavalier

Media Manager

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