Chat About Death and Dying

Would you like to better understand death so that you can make the most of your finite life? The Hood College Death Café will facilitate a casual conversation surrounding this very question on Saturday, Feb. 27. The Death Café is free to the public and will be held 10 a.m. until noon at Hood’s Whitaker Campus Center at 401 Rosemont Ave., Frederick, MD.

Thanatology graduate students Emily Fair and Paula Grant will host the event. Cookies, coffee and tea will be served. According to the host group, “Most—but not all–people are averse to talking, or even thinking, about death. At our Death Café, we hope to offer a welcoming venue for those who do think about this important topic and want to share their thoughts. We hope they leave feeling enlightened, inspired and stimulated."

  • Graduate
  • Graduate School
  • Graduate Student
  • Counseling, Care & Interdisciplinary Studies in Human Behavior Graduate Programs
  • Events

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