Deaf Author Speaks About a World Without Sound

FREDERICK, Maryland—Deaf writer John Cotter will speak at Hood College on March 6 about a world without sound. He will give his talk, titled “Losing Music,” at 6 p.m. in the Beneficial-Hodson Library Reading Porch.

In this talk, based on a series of essays he has published over the past three years, Cotter takes listeners on a tour of the panic of a strange disease—the struggle of saying goodbye to birdsong and pianos. He will discuss what a person learns about sound when sound goes away.

Cotter is the author of the novel “Under the Small Lights.” His current project concerns the dynamics of sound and what the world resembles when sound disappears. In 2016, he was an inaugural fellow at the Lighthouse Writers Fort Lyon residency where he spent a month living and working with recovering addicts at a homeless shelter on the high plains of Colorado. His short fiction has appeared in “Puerto del Sol,” his poetry in “Volt,” his comics in “Westworld,” his art writing in “Sculpture,” and his literary criticism in “Bookforum.”

For more information, contact Aaron Angello at or 301-696-3211 or visit

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