Dean Boulton Selected to National Committee

FREDERICK, Maryland—April Boulton, Ph.D., dean of the Graduate School at Hood College, has been selected to serve on the Council of Graduate Schools (CGS) Masters Committee, whose functions include guiding policy, deciding conference sessions and setting strategies for master’s programs at a national level.

“CGS is the flagship organization of graduate education in America, and it is an honor to serve on a committee with my colleagues from major research institutions down to smaller programs with fewer than 500 graduate students,” she said. “As Hood’s representative, I will advocate for the unique needs of graduate schools in the 21st century through the lens of a private, not-for-profit college.”

For more than 50 years, CGS has been the premier international association for graduate education. CGS is the only national organization in the U.S. that is dedicated solely to the advancement of graduate education and research. The organization advocates for policy, conducts innovative research, develops best practices, and acts on a broad range of issues affecting graduate education today.

Dean Boulton officially begins her two-year term on this national committee at the CGS summer meeting this July.

Hood College is an independent, liberal arts college, offering 28 bachelor’s degrees, four pre-professional programs, 19 master’s degrees programs, two doctorates and 10 post-baccalaureate certificates. Located in historic Frederick, near Washington, D.C., Baltimore and the I-270 technology corridor, Hood gives students access to countless internships and research opportunities.

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Mason Cavalier

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  • Graduate
  • Graduate School

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