Environmental Expert and Author to Speak on Campus

FREDERICK, Maryland—The president and CEO of a prominent environmental group will give a lecture at Hood College on Feb. 25 at 7 p.m. in Whitaker Campus Commons.

Robert K. Musil
Robert K. Musil

Robert K. Musil, Ph.D., the head of the Rachel Carson Council, will present his talk “Hood College and Rachel Carson: Her Legacy for Today,” about activist Rachel Carson’s connections to Maryland and the environmental issues she would support today including global climate change, an end to fossil fuels, and opposition to industrial agriculture and factory farms.

Musil will also describe how members of the Hood College community and other Marylanders can make a difference on environmental issues through citizen action and advocacy.

Specializing in contemporary global sustainability, security, and health issues, as well as Cold War history, culture, and policy, Musil is the author of numerous articles about the environment and climate change. He also wrote the book “Rachel Carson and Her Sisters: Extraordinary Women Who Have Shaped America’s Environment.”

Musil has met regularly and worked closely over the years with leading public figures including presidents and vice presidents, numerous cabinet members, and Congressional leaders. He has also represented the nonprofit Physicians for Social Responsibility at international environment negotiations in Montreal, Kyoto, Johannesburg, Geneva and elsewhere.

For 14 years, Musil was also the executive producer and host of “Consider the Alternatives,” a half-hour weekly radio program syndicated to more than 150 stations with 2,000,000 listeners. He has been the producer of numerous ground-breaking independent video documentaries and public radio documentary series, including “One Blue Sky: Health and the Human Environment.” He is also a two-time winner of the Armstrong Award for Excellence in Radio Broadcasting, named after Edwin Howard Armstrong, the inventor of FM radio.

The Rachel Carson Council is the legacy organization envisioned by Rachel Carson, founded in 1965, a year after her death, by her closest friends and colleagues. Carson was known worldwide for her work as a scientist and a writer. Her 1962 book, “Silent Spring,” discussed the impact of pesticides on human and environmental health, and inspired policy changes to regulate pesticide use.

The lecture is free and open to the public. For more information, contact Paige Eager at 301-696-3699 or eager@hood.edu.

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