Got a Yummy App Idea?

Find out what it takes to take an app idea into a scalable growth platform and a monetized business from a Hood MBA alum who’s done just that. MBA grad Cherian Thomas and partner Brad Sayler, Spotluck CEO and CFO respectively, will share their journey and experiences in developing a new mobile app that, according to their website, “allows you to discover local restaurants and save money in a fun new way. With a simple spin, Spotluckers earn preferred pricing and forgo the hassle of figuring out where to eat next!” 

Hood’s MBA department will host a launch party for Spotluck Thursday, February 26, 6 until 8 p.m. at the school’s Brodbeck Hall.  Thomas and Sayler have titled their talk, “You’ve got an idea for an App! Now what?”  The event is open to the public and admission is free.

Spotluck has recently generated considerable buzz in Montgomery County and Frederick County. The app features 70 restaurants in those counties’ five largest downtown areas. Plans call for expansion to D.C. this year.

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