Happy Diwali at Hood

Candlelight, vibrantly colored attire and even dancing transformed Hood’s Multicultural suite on October 29 as students, staff and faculty celebrated Diwali.

The purpose of Hood’s inaugural Diwali was to share the meaning of the celebration — a triumph of good over evil — and to cross cultures with similar festivals that are traditional in other parts of the world. According to Natalia Trullson, graduate assistant in the office of Multicultural Affairs & International Student  Programs and one of the Diwali planners, “We shared fun and learning experiences…and at the end we even had a dance party to some of the Indian students’ favorite Bollywood songs.”

Although Diwali is India’s most significant holiday, it is celebrated globally by many cultures.

  • Graduate
  • Graduate School
  • Traditions
  • Languages & International Studies

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