Hood College to Hold Proxy Gubernatorial Debate

FREDERICK, Maryland—The Hood College Democrats and Republicans will participate in a proxy gubernatorial debate on Oct. 7 at 7:30 p.m. in Whitaker Campus Center Commons.

Students will play the parts of incumbent Republican Larry Hogan and challenger Democrat Ben Jealous as they debate education, transportation and health care in the state of Maryland.

“We are holding the event to energize college students about the election,” said Carin Robinson, Ph.D., associate professor of political science at Hood. “We want them to be aware of the differences between the two candidates. We also hope to encourage them to vote. The proxy gubernatorial debate format will allow us to talk about substantive issues relevant to Maryland while hopefully avoiding the partisan drama very apparent on the national landscape.”

The mid-term elections are Nov. 6. For more information, contact Robinson at robinsonc@hood.edu.

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