Hood Nursing Department Chair Named Frederick County Board of Health Liaison
Nursing Department Chair & Program Director Jennifer Cooper, DNP, one of six liaisons named by county health board

The entrance to the Ruth Withaker Holmes School of Behavioral and Health Sciences, home of the Hood College Department of Nursing

Hood College is proud to announce that Jennifer Cooper, DNP, was named as one of six new liaisons to the Frederick County Board of Health Liaisons last August. Cooper will serve as the health expert liaison to the board in the field of nursing.
Liaisons were recruited by the board to provide their insight and knowledge as health experts. The following liaisons were also approved:
- Chamber of Commerce member – Dr. Diana P. Castiblanco
- Epidemiologist – Dr. René F. Najera
- Mental health professional - Dr. Alison Bomba
- Science related background – Dr. Sheila Johnson
- Veterinarian – Dr. Michael E Schaden
Liaisons will serve for varying periods of time initially based on the number of applications received for each category. Terms will be from July 1 through June 30. After this first set of terms, all terms will be for 3 years. Liaisons do not have voting privileges on the board and will serve as volunteers.

“We were thrilled with the response from our community,” said Dr. Barbara Brookmyer, Health Officer for Frederick County and Executive Officer of the Board of Health. “The Liaisons selected are incredibly well qualified and passionate about serving our Frederick community. Their diverse backgrounds, lived experiences, education, and perspectives will help the Board of Health to better reflect our county’s community and ultimately better serve Frederick County.”
Media Contact
Mason Cavalier
Media Manager
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