Join Hood College to Help the American Red Cross During a Severe Blood Shortage

New blood donation opportunities are now available for healthy donors to give as soon as possible

FREDERICK, Maryland—Are you looking for a way to help save up to three lives? Join the Hood College Cares “SleevesUp” blood donation challenge running through May 15.

Due to COVID-19, blood drives across the U.S. have been canceled, resulting in 86,000 fewer donations per week. Even when there isn’t a pandemic, 36,000 units of blood are needed every day in the U.S.

“One of the most important things people can do right now during this public health emergency is to give blood,” said Teresa Cevallos, director of wellness at Hood College. “The Red Cross provides donation centers that use social distancing and are hygienic and safe for public use.”

Members of the Hood College and the greater Frederick communities are encouraged to roll up their sleeves and give blood. For more information and to find a place and time to donate, visit

Hood College is an independent, liberal arts college, offering more than 25 bachelor’s degrees, four pre-professional programs, 19 master’s degrees programs, two doctorates and 10 post-baccalaureate certificates. Located in historic Frederick, near Washington, D.C., Baltimore and the I-270 technology corridor, Hood gives students access to countless internships and research opportunities.

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