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Financial Aid Seminar

Learn How to Pay for College

FREDERICK, Maryland—Hood College will host a financial aid seminar Oct. 15 at 6 p.m. in Whitaker Campus Commons to teach college-bound students and their parents more about the financial aid…

  • Graduate
  • Undergraduate
  • Events
Frederick County Partnership

Hood College Announces Innovative Partnerships with Frederick County

FREDERICK, Maryland—Hood College President Andrea E. Chapdelaine and Frederick County Executive Jan Gardner today announced two innovative partnerships between Hood College and Frederick County. The first partnership agreement will allow…

  • Graduate
  • Undergraduate
  • Community Partnerships
  • Frederick Food Security Network
Rebel Without a Cause

Film Screening of “Rebel Without a Cause”

FREDERICK, Maryland—The Hood College International Humanities Film Series will present Nicholas Ray’s 1955 classic “Rebel Without a Cause” on Oct. 11 at 7 p.m. in Hodson Auditorium in Rosenstock Hall…

  • Graduate
  • Undergraduate
  • Events
  • Social Sciences & Humanities
Health Center Open House

Open House Showcases Hood College’s Health and Counseling Services

FREDERICK, Maryland—Hood College’s Health and Counseling Services held an open house with Monocacy Health Partners today to showcase the medical services available to Hood students at Frederick Memorial Hospital’s Tollhouse…

  • Graduate
  • Undergraduate
  • Events
  • Community Partnerships
Cyber Series

Leading Expert in Cyberspace Policy to Give Cotton Cyber Lecture

FREDERICK, Maryland—A leading expert in cyberspace policy and cybersecurity will give the Cotton Cyber Lecture at Hood College on Oct. 3 at 7 p.m. in Hodson Auditorium in Rosenstock Hall…

  • Graduate
  • Undergraduate
  • Events
  • Speaker
  • Computer Science & Information Technology Graduate Programs
  • Computer Sciences
  • Graduate School
  • Cyber
Brain Rust Artwork

Ceramics Sculptures and Mixed Media Gallery on Display

FREDERICK, Maryland—A collection of ceramic sculptures and mixed-media drawings by artist Brian Rust is currently on view in the Whitaker Gallery at Hood College through Oct. 20. Rust, from Augusta…

  • Graduate
  • Undergraduate
  • Events
  • Art Exhibits
Hiram Larew Lecture

Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellow to Spend Week at Hood

FREDERICK, Maryland— Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellow Hiram Larew, Ph.D., will give a public lecture at Hood College on Sept. 23 at 7 p.m. in the Whitaker Campus Commons as part…

  • Graduate
  • Undergraduate
  • Events
  • Speaker
  • Arts & Humanities Graduate Programs
  • Social Sciences & Humanities
Rankings 2019

Hood Receives Accolades from US News, Several Other Publications

FREDERICK, Maryland—Hood College received accolades from U.S. News & World Report, Forbes, the Princeton Review, Money Magazine, the Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education, the Washington Monthly College Guide, College Consensus…

  • Graduate
  • Undergraduate
  • Awards
Humanities Conference

“Discovering the Humanities” Conference to Show Value of Education in Humanities

FREDERICK, Maryland—Hood College will host its third annual “Discovering the Humanities” conference on Sept. 14 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the Whitaker Campus Center. The conference provides undergraduate…

  • Graduate
  • Undergraduate
  • Arts & Humanities Graduate Programs
  • Events
  • Speaker
  • Research
  • Social Sciences & Humanities
  • Undergraduate student