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Crystal Griner

Hood College Announces New President's Medal

FREDERICK, Maryland—Hood College President Andrea E. Chapdelaine, Ph.D., has established the President’s Medal, a prestigious honor awarded to an individual or organization who exemplifies one of Hood’s core values of…

  • Graduate
  • Undergraduate
  • Awards
  • Alumni

More Than Just Molding Clay!

Participants in Hood College’s Graduate Ceramics Arts programs have several degree options, but all students are working with both theory and practice in ceramics. Whether they are working towards a…

  • Graduate
  • Graduate School
  • Arts & Humanities Graduate Programs
  • Graduate Student

In Utero to Alma Mater

Those with an eagle eye at our last commencement ceremonies might have thought that they were seeing double. Over and over and over again. Among this year’s graduating seniors were…

  • Undergraduate
  • Undergraduate student
  • Traditions
  • Hood Magazine

The Best Places in Frederick

By Mary Milligan ’17 1. Baker Park: It’s free, beautiful, has walking trails and is a good way to avoid walking through downtown on a busy First Saturday when you…

  • Undergraduate
  • Undergraduate student
  • Traditions

Ceramics Program Intensive Summer Seminars

Hood College Ceramics students haven’t just been relaxing this summer! They have had the option of taking several short but intensive seminar classes. Two of these 5-day classes included Throwing…

  • Graduate
  • Graduate School
  • Arts & Humanities Graduate Programs
DC Map

GIS Expert Contributes to DC Policy Center

Randy Smith, a lecturer at Hood College, is a senior fellow at the D.C. Policy Center (DCPC) where he produces interactive maps that illuminate emerging patterns of how the city…

  • Undergraduate
  • Computer Sciences
  • Faculty