Hood Million Hearts

Welcome to Hood Million Hearts


Million Hearts® exists for the sole purpose of saving and protecting more lives impacted by heart disease and stroke in the United States. Hood Million Hearts is a local effort that welcomes our community to:

  • Participate in a biometric screening to know your numbers.

  • Receive a FREE home blood pressure monitor and instruction on how to use it.

  • Learn about your risk for heart disease and stroke and how you can make healthy lifestyle choices to lessen those risks.

  • Meet with our team to discuss your numbers and progress toward your health goals.


Register Here

Hood College is a participating organization in the National Interprofessional Education and Practice Consortium to Advance Million Hearts®, contributing to The Ohio State University’s (OSU) goal of providing 100,000 biometric screenings across the U.S.  Hood Million Hearts® recruits nursing students who are trained as Million Hearts® Fellows and provide biometric screening and coaching to Hood Million Hearts® participants on our campus and in the greater community. 

For more information on Hood Million Hearts®:

Contact Dr. Jennifer Cooper, Assistant Professor of Nursing cooper@hood.edu

Follow Hood Nursing on Twitter: @NursingatHood

Hood Million Hearts® Video:  https://youtu.be/aStQg1Qd5eg

Million Hearts Collaboration Partner Spotlight (highlighting OSU & Hood partnership)

Hood Million Hearts® featured in The Maryland NurseNov 2019 & Feb 2019