Lisa Algazi Marcus

  • Undergraduate Faculty
  • Graduate Faculty

Professor of French

Co-Director, Hood Honors Program

she/her pronouns

Tatem 211


I teach French and Francophone literature, language and cultures, as well as gender studies courses. In January 2021, Dr. Shannon Kundey and I took over as Co-Directors of the Hood Honors Program. I've been teaching at Hood since 1994, after earning my PhD in French from Stanford University

I am proud to have won the Mortar Board Award for Excellence in Teaching in 1998. I received the Mary Ann Kerins Award in 2020 for my work on behalf of transgender students, faculty and staff as chair of the President's Council on Transgender Inclusivity, and the Laughlin Award for Distinguished Professional Achievement in 2022. I serve as a First Year adviser and the faculty adviser of the Hood chapter of Pi Delta Phi, the French national honors society.

I've published articles in peer-reviewed journals such as "Romance Studies," "L'année stendhalienne" and "Nineteenth Century French Studies" and have contributed chapters to several collections of essays. My first book, "Maternal Subjectivity in the Works of Stendhal," was published by the Edwin Mellen Press in 2001. My latest book, "Mother's Milk and Male Fantasy in Nineteenth Century French Narrative"came out in May 2022 from Liverpool University Press. Here's a blog post about the book.

When I'm not on campus, I enjoy singing and volunteering for The Frederick Center. I also love taking long bike rides and lifting weights. 

Courses for spring 2024:

  • Intermediate French II (FREN 202), TTh 9:50-11:15, Blazer 106
  • Re-visioning Motherhood in Modern Western Cultures (HON/SWAG 312), TTh 3:35-5:00, Blazer 106

Courses for fall 2024:

  • First-Year Seminar for Honors (FYS H 101), "Local Lore and Legends," TTh 11:25-12:50, Blazer 106
  • French Conversation and Composition (FREN 203), TTh 3:35-5:00, Tatem 214

List of publications
