Mapping your Social Work Major

Your Hood experience is about so much more than just your social work major.

The Student Success Center, the Center for Career Development & Experiential Learning, and the Office of the Registrar have teamed up to show you where a social work major can take you. They will help you cultivate, engage and prepare during your time at Hood so that you are career ready for your journey beyond Hood. 

Additionally, these maps will serve as milestones and guideposts when you meet with your academic advisor.


Student Success
Center for Career Development & Experiential Education
College CatalogDepartment of Sociology & Social WorkSocial Work (B.A.)

Year One

Fall SemesterCredits
Core—FYE 101 First Year Experience (Fall)3
Core—ENGL 101/102 English Composition3-4
Core—[Global Language] 101 (Spanish or ASL recommended)3-4
SOC 101 Intro to Sociology OR SOC 215 Social Problems3
Spring SemesterCredits
Core—FYE 102 First Year Experience (Spring)3
Core—Global Language 1023-4
BIOL 138 Human Health Mosaic3
PSY 101 Intro to Psychology (Core—S/BS)3
ECON 205 OR SOC 3003

Year Two

Fall SemesterCredits
SOWK 101 Intro to Social Work and Human Services3
SOC 260 Research Methods3
Core—[Natural Science]4
Core—[Creative and Performing Arts]3
Spring SemesterCredits
SOC 261 Quantitative Methods for the Social Sciences (QR)3
SOC 323 Race and Ethnicity in the U.S.3
[SOWK Elective]3
[ELECTIVE] OR [Minor course, if applicable]3

Year Three

Fall SemesterCredits
SOWK 327 Gerontological SOWK (40 hrs of service learning)4
SOWK 345 Human Lifecycle3
SOWK 346 Human Rights and Social Justice3
Core—[Holistic Wellness]3
[ELECTIVE] OR [Minor course, if applicable]3
Spring SemesterCredits
SOWK 301 Social Policy and Human Service Programs3
SOWK 342 Social Work Methods I3
[SOWK Elective]3
[Independent study] OR [Minor course, if applicable]3
[ELECTIVE] OR [Minor course, if applicable]3

Year Four

Fall SemesterCredits
SOWK 442 Social Work Methods II3
Core—HIP—SOWK 445AB Field Practicum & Seminar6
[ELECTIVE] OR [Minor course, if applicable]3
[ELECTIVE] OR [Minor course, if applicable]3
Spring SemesterCredits
Core—HIP—SOWK 446AB Field Practicum and Seminar6
Core—LIFE—SOWK 452 Seminar on Social Work Profession3
[ELECTIVE] OR [Minor course, if applicable]3
[ELECTIVE] OR [Minor course, if applicable]3
Total Credits124

Learning, Self-Exploration, and Academic Excellence

The Hood College Center for Career Development and Experiential Education is here to support you through your four-year educational journey. Whether you are headed toward additional educational pursuits after graduation or on to the exciting world of work, we recommend that you investigate all your opportunities through three distinct types of exploration. These include Cultivating knowledge of your major and occupations related to your studies, Engaging in activities that give you hands-on experience, and taking practical steps toward Preparing for life after college. Below are three tables that will help you understand these areas and associated activities. Want to know more? Meet with a counselor in the Career Center. Email to make an appointment.


Explore your Major and Related Occupations

Year 1
Year 2
  • Make an appointment though Handshake to meet with a Career Counselor to update your resume.
  • Explore social work by taking SOWK 201: Introduction to Social Work and Human Services where you will complete a 40-hour volunteer experience as a part of the coursework.
Year 3
  • Update your resume to include classes from the previous year and any experiences, either volunteer or employment related.
  • In the spring before your last full year at Hood, prepare your application to enter field the next fall. The application process includes interviews with faculty and potential field instructors.
  • Participate in Social Work Advocacy Day at the Maryland State Capitol through the SOWK 301 course.
Year 4
  • Update your resume to include classes from the previous year and any experiences, either social work or employment related. Be sure to include your direct practice skills.
  • In the fall, enroll in SOWK 445AB, which includes your field practicum and seminar experiences.


Locally and Globally

Year 1
  • Explore club and engagement opportunities such as Student Social Work Organization (SSWO) or one of the many Community Service organizations.
Year 2
  • If eligible, investigate federal work study positions in a department of career related interest.
  • Participate in Career Center workshops on interviewing for success and creating a LinkedIn page.
  • Conduct informational interviews with Hood College alumni working in the social work field.
Year 3
  • Update your LinkedIn page to reflect new experiences and coursework.
  • Shadow professionals or alumni who work in the field.
  • Conduct informational interviews with Hood College alumni working in the social work field.
Year 4
  • Conduct informational interviews with Hood College alumni working in the social work field.
  • Attend the annual Business Etiquette Dinner.


For Post-Graduation Success

Year 1
  • Attend the Fall and Spring Community Engagement Fairs to learn more about not-for-profit agencies that provide low or no-cost services to those in need.
Year 2
  • Attend the Spring Internship & Career Fair to meet directly with employers from a variety of nonprofit organizations who may need college students for summer work.
  • Regularly check the Handshake events page to see employers providing information sessions on campus.
Year 3
  • Attend the Spring Internship & Career Fair and/or STEM Career Expo to meet directly with employers from a variety of industries who may need summer social work students.
  • Attend Career Center workshops on interviewing for success and how to conduct a job search.
  • Select part-time jobs and internships in your field of interest.
Year 4
  • Attend the Spring Internship & Career Fair to meet directly with employers from a variety of industries who may be recruiting new social work graduates.
  • Attend the National Association of Social Workers—Maryland Chapter (NASW-MD) student conference.
  • Finalize your resume and polish up your e-portfolio in the capstone SOWK 452 course.
  • Utilize resources at the Library and Learning Commons
  • Meet regularly with your academic advisor
  • Work with tutors at the Writing Center
  • Complete the FAFSA and apply for scholarships

Learn more about careers in social work:

  • Administration and planning
  • Case management
  • Program evaluation
  • Policy development
  • Research
  • Public welfare agencies
  • Private social service agencies
  • Local, state, and federal government:
    • Department of Human Services
    • Department of Education
    • Housing Services
  • Local, state, and federal government continued:
    • Veterans Administration
    • Indian Health Services
    • Administrative agencies
  • Local, state, and federal government continued
    • Job Corps
    • Head Start
    • State legislatures

Explore more career opportunities in social work: