Kimberly Morse Jones

  • Undergraduate Faculty

Associate Professor of Art History

Tatem 102


My area of expertise is late nineteenth-century and early twentieth-century British art, but I have taught a wide range of courses, including Global Art; Eighteenth-Century European Art; Nineteenth-Century European Art; Twentieth-Century Art; Contemporary Art and Theory; African Art and the African Diaspora; Art of the Americas; and Women and Art. I have also taught a variety of Special Topics courses, some of which involve travel abroad. I have taken students to England, France, and Nepal, and hope to plan more trips in the future.

My research focuses on Victorian art criticism and its role in the production and consumption of art. I have published several articles and book chapters, as well as a book titled Elizabeth Robins Pennell: Pioneer of Modern Art Criticism (Ashgate, 2015/Routledge, 2018). My second book, Elizabeth Robins Pennell: Critical Essays, co-edited by Dave Buchanan, was published by Edinburgh University Press in 2021. I am currently compiling a four-volume anthology of British press art criticism from the long nineteenth century, a project commissioned by Routledge.


Ph.D., History of Art, University of Reading (UK)

M.A., British Literature and Visual Art (1830-1910), university of Reading (UK)

B.A., Humanities with an Art History emphasis, Brigham Young University