male student

Mathematics (B.A.)

  • Certificate
  • Major
  • Minor

About this Program

The field of mathematics offers a variety of excellent career opportunities. The department features both a major and a minor in mathematics. Mathematics majors may also earn secondary teaching certification.

Program Overview

Mathematics courses at Hood are taught with an emphasis on student participation, active learning, collaboration and the use of technology. Students at Hood work closely with faculty members. Classes are small, and students can explore topics that interest them. The senior seminar in the history of mathematics leads to a capstone research project.

The department has a computer laboratory dedicated to mathematics classes, with computational and graphics software to support the mathematics curriculum. Classrooms, labs, seminar rooms and informal spaces in the Hodson Science and Technology Center provide attractive and useful facilities for student-faculty interaction.

Math students are among the most active and involved on campus. They are leaders in student government and in residential and commuter student groups. As a student, you will enjoy field trips to destinations such as the Smithsonian, Library of Congress and the National Cryptologic Museum. You may participate in the annual national competition in mathematical modeling, attend conferences and give presentations. You can join professional organizations, complete exciting internships in Washington, D.C., and Baltimore, participate in summer research programs and enter graduate school or the workforce with valuable skills.

The Mathematics Minor

A minor in mathematics will introduce students to the two major strands of mathematics, the continuous and the discrete. Students will then have the opportunity to explore an area of interest in greater depth.

Degrees Offered

  • BA
  • Minor

Department Offering

Student Organizations

Join the Math Club or the Student Chapter of the Mathematical Association of America, among other student-led organizations.

Career Outlook

Mathematics occupations are expected to grow 28 percent by 2030, much faster than the national average, with a median annual income of more than $98,000.

Program Contact

Associate Professor of Mathematics, Department Chair


Coordinator, Mathematics Minor



As a student in the mathematics department, you will have opportunities on campus to cultivate your analytical skills and work side-by-side with mathematics, computer science, biology, chemistry and physics faculty.

All Faculty

James Parson

  • Department Chair of Mathematics
  • Associate Professor of Mathematics
Poster Presenters

Hood Cohosts Mathematics Conference

Hood cohosted the Mathematical Association of America MD-DC-VA Spring 2019 section meeting. Hood's full-time mathematics faculty and several students participated.