Student Learning Outcomes

At Hood College, we are committed to teaching excellence. Program goals and learning outcomes identify what we expect students to learn, think critically about and accomplish in their courses and programs of study at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. We believe an integrated learning approach that combines a strong grounding in the liberal arts with advanced study in the major and opportunities for internships and research initiatives is the best way to prepare students for lives of purpose and civic engagement.

Graduates earning a bachelor’s degree in Nursing from Hood College:

  1. Integrate nursing science, humanities and behavioral and physical sciences as a basis for safe nursing practice including clinical reasoning, critical thinking and judgment.
  2. Provide caring and competent nursing care to culturally diverse clients in a changing and complex healthcare environment across the lifespan.
  3. Support optimal health outcomes for patients, families, communities and populations through actions that include health promotion, disease prevention, autonomy and advocacy.
  4. Utilize effective communication strategies to collaborate with multidisciplinary teams to provide patient-centered care.
  5. Safely utilize information technologies to promote optimal patient care.
  6. Apply basic organizational and systems leadership for quality care, ethical practice, and patient safety.
  7. Cultivate professional development by making a commitment to life-long learning and professional activities.
  8. Evaluate the health policy, regulation, and payment process for the improvement of health care for all.
  9. Integrate research, ethical principles, and patient preference into clinical decision making through evaluative nursing practice.

Graduates earning a bachelor’s degree in Public Health from Hood College:

  1. Examine concepts and applications of basic statistics.
  2. Discuss the foundations of biological and life sciences and the concepts of health and disease.
  3. Describe the history and philosophy of public health as well as its core values, concepts, and functions across the globe and in society.
  4. Explain the basic concepts, methods, and tools of public health data collection, use and analysis and why evidence-based approaches are an essential part of public health practice.
  5. Use concepts of population health, and apply the basic processes, approaches and interventions that identify and address the major health-related needs and concerns of populations.
  6. Discuss the underlying science of human health and disease including opportunities for promoting and protecting health across the life course.
  7. Differentiate the socioeconomic, behavioral, biological, environmental, and other factors that impact human health and contribute to health disparities.
  8. Distinguish fundamental concepts and features of project implementation, including planning, assessment, and evaluation.
  9. Compare the fundamental characteristics and organizational structures of the US health system as well as the differences in systems in other countries.
  10. Organize the basic concepts of legal, ethical, economic and regulatory dimensions of health care and public health policy and the roles, influences and responsibilities of the different agencies and branches of government.
  11. Demonstrate the basic concepts of public health-specific communication, including technical and professional writing and the use of mass media and electronic technology
  1. Demonstrate an understanding of how information system technologies and health informatics tools support healthcare delivery, clinical decision-making, care management, and population health goals.
  2. Understand health information systems design and management including planning, implementation, and evaluation methods.
  3. Show a working knowledge of the healthcare delivery environment and policies that influence adoption and use of health information technologies, including standards and requirements (e.g., Meaningful Use, quality metrics).
  4. Understand privacy and confidentiality of health information, information security practices, and how these requirements influence system design, usage, and business continuity and disaster recovery planning.
  5. Gain practical knowledge of various health informatics tools and methods such as electronic medical records, workflow redesign, data visualization/dashboards, data analysis.
  6. Gain exposure to principles and methods of data mining, natural language processing, and information exchange.

Master of Nursing Science graduates will be able to:

  1. Lead initiatives that contribute to the advancement of the nursing profession.
  2. Appraise evidence-based practice to improve delivery of health care, health equity, nursing practice, and the nursing profession.
  3. Analyze emerging knowledge to initiate change in diverse populations to improve healthcare outcomes.
  4. Demonstrate effective communications and collaboration strategies to develop, participate, and lead interprofessional teams and partnerships.
  5. Evaluate use of informatics and healthcare technologies to optimize health information management.
  6. Influence health policies focusing on nursing ethics and social justice dilemmas to improve healthcare delivery.

In addition to the MSN program outcomes above, AGPCNP graduates will be able to:

  1. Exhibit advanced clinical knowledge and decision-making skills to provide individuals with holistic care and achieve optimal health.
  2. Increase access to equitable cost-effective healthcare to reduce health disparities.
  3. Collaborate with interprofessional healthcare teams to enhance patient outcomes and deliver high-quality coordinated care.
  4. Promote the nursing profession and role of the Adult-Gerontology Nurse Practitioner within the healthcare system.

Nutrition Science (M.S.) uses the Future Education Model Graduate Degree Competencies (K=Knows, S=Shows, D=Does) from the Accreditation Council For Education in Nutrition in Dietetics (ACEND) to assess student learning.

Graduates earning a master's degree in nutrition science from Hood College:

Unit 1- Foundational Knowledge: Applies foundational sciences to food and nutrition knowledge to meet the needs of individuals, groups, and organizations.

1.1- Applies an understanding of environmental, molecular factors (e.g. genes, proteins, metabolites) and food in the development and management of disease. (S)

1.2- Applies an understanding of anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry. (S)

1.3- Applies knowledge of microbiology and food safety. (S)

1.4- Integrates knowledge of chemistry and food science as it pertains to food and nutrition product development and when making modifications to food. (S)

1.5- Applies knowledge of patho-physiology and nutritional biochemistry to physiology, health and disease. (S)

1.6- Applies knowledge of social, psychological and environmental aspects of eating and food. (S)

1.7- Integrates the principles of cultural competence within own practice and when directing services. (D)

1.8- Applies knowledge of pharmacology to recommend, prescribe and administer medical nutrition therapy. (S)

1.9- Applies an understanding of the impact of complementary and integrative nutrition on drugs, disease, health and wellness. (S)

1.10- Applies knowledge of math and statistics. (S)

1.11- Applies knowledge of medical terminology when communicating with individuals, groups and other health professionals. (D)

1.12- Demonstrates knowledge of and is able to manage food preparation techniques. (D)

1.13- Demonstrates computer skills and uses nutrition informatics in the decision making process. (D)

1.14- Integrates knowledge of nutrition and physical active ity in the provision of nutrition care across the life cycle. (D)

1.15- Applies knowledge of nutritional health promotion and disease prevention for individuals, groups and populations. (S)

1.16- Gains a foundational knowledge on public and global health issues and nutritional needs. (K)

Unit 2- Client/Patient Services: Applies and integrates client/patient-centered principles and competent nutrition and dietetics practice to ensure positive outcomes.

2.1- Applies a framework to assess, develop, implement and evaluate products, programs and services. (D)

2.2- Selects, develops and/or implements nutritional screening tools for individuals, groups or populations. (D)

2.3- Utilizes the nutrition care process with individuals, groups or populations in a variety of practice settings. (D)

2.4- Implements or coordinates nutritional interventions for individuals, groups or populations. (D)

2.5- Prescribes, recommends and administers nutrition-related pharmacotherapy. (S)

Unit 3- Food Systems Management: Applies food systems principles and management skills to ensure safe and efficient delivery of food and water.

3.1- Directs the production and distribution of quantity and quality food products. (D)

3.2- Oversees the purchasing, receipt and storage of products used in food production and services. (D)

3.3- Applies principles of food safety and sanitation to the storage, production and service of food. (D)

3.4- Applies and demonstrates an understanding of agricultural practices and processes. (S)

Unit 4- Community and Population Health Nutrition: Applies community and population nutrition health theories when providing support to community or population nutrition programs.

4.1- Utilizes program planning steps to develop, implement, monitor and evaluate community and population programs. (D)

4.2- Engages in legislative and regulatory activities that address community, population and global nutrition health and nutrition policy. (D)

Unit 5- Leadership, Business, Management and Organization: Demonstrates leadership, business and management principles to guide practice and achieve operational goals.

5.1 Demonstrates leadership skills to guide practice.

5.2- Applies principles of organization management. (D)

5.3- Applies project management principles to achieve project goals and objectives. (D)

5.4- Leads quality and performance improvement activities to measure, evaluate and improve a program’s services, products and initiatives. (D)

5.5- Develops and leads implementation of risk management strategies and programs. (D)

Unit 6- Critical Thinking, Research and Evidence-Informed Practice: Integrates evidence-informed practice, research principles and critical thinking into practice.

6.1- Incorporates critical thinking skills in practice. (D)

6.2- Applies scientific methods utilizing ethical research practices when reviewing, evaluating and conducting research. (D)

6.3- Applies current research and evidence-informed practice to services. (D)

Unit 7- Core Professional Behaviors: Demonstrates professional behaviors and effective communication in all nutrition and dietetics interactions.

7.1- Assumes professional responsibilities to provide safe, ethical and effective nutrition services. (D)

7.2- Uses effective communication, collaboration and advocacy skills. (D)