Strategic Values of The Delaplaine School of Business

The entire College community shares the College’s core values of Hope, Opportunity, Obligation, and Democracy, as described earlier. Within the scope of these overarching values, the specific values of the DSOB are the following.

We, at the Delaplaine School of Business, believe in the power of the following values to guide us in our everyday activities to lead lives of leadership, responsibility, service, and stewardship.  They also guide our curricular and co-curricular offerings and activities.

Commitment to Excellence: We endeavor to maintain the highest standards in our curricular offerings and stakeholder engagements.

Stewardship and Accountability: We believe in the power of a triple bottom line-based business education to encourage stakeholders to balance the profit motive with societal and environmental responsibilities in resource allocation and deployment. 

Diversity and Inclusion: We are dedicated to a world where everyone, regardless of their background, is appreciated, respected, and included.

Learning and Growth Mindset: We believe that developing and maintaining a growth mindset is a crucial marker of a lifelong learner and leader.

Impactful Collaboration: We believe in the power of collaboration between the academy and the industry to elevate business education by keeping it relevant, contemporary, and meaningful. We are committed to partnerships through internships, career placements, and assisting organizations with data needs.

Following the lessons of George Delaplaine's business leadership, we will teach you not only to become corporate leaders, but also to serve as good community citizens.

The George B. Delaplaine Jr. School of Business creates a dedicated space for business students and creates a hub for social entrepreneurship in the community. Students at the undergraduate, graduate and doctoral levels move beyond the classroom and into the lives of others.

We are developing applied research centers that integrate teaching and learning, with direct outcomes in the community and creating a leadership institute that will provide dedicated resources to promising emerging leaders to guide the rest of campus.

Social ventures have rapidly risen to account for more than a third of all new U.S. entrepreneurial activity. This shift in business mindset demands new leadership and new ideas. The George B. Delaplaine Jr. School of Business presents the opportunity to lead at this junction and create a distinct means for teaching business in this new economy and an aspirational model for others to follow.

** Some programs, such as economics, are not accredited.