Curriculum Committee

The curriculum committee consists of the provost (ex officio, non-voting member), the registrar (ex officio, voting member) and eight faculty members, each of whom serve a two-year term. One faculty member, who is in at least the second year of service on this committee, is elected chair. 

Curriculum Committee members for 2024-25

  • Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs (ex officio, voting member)
  • Registrar (ex officio, voting member)
  • Designated member of the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment (ex officio, non voting member)
  • Liz Atwood, English and Communication Arts (2024-2026)
  • Steven Clark, Chemistry and Physics (2024-2026)
  • Chen Qian, Computer Science (2024-2026)
  • Yankuo Qiao, Economics and Business Administration (2023-2025)
  • Jenni Ross, Art and Archaeology (2023-2025)
  • Ann Stewart, Mathematics (2023-2025)
  • Sandra Thomas-Lalmansingh, Nursing (2023-2025)
  • Meredith Yeager, Biology (2024-2026)


2024-25 Curriculum Committee meeting dates and proposal due dates:

August 19 (submit proposals by August 12)
September 9 (submit proposals by September 2)
September 23 (submit proposals by September 16)
October 7 (submit proposals by September 30)
October 28 (submit proposals by October 21)
November 11 (submit proposals by November 4)
December 2 (submit proposals by November 25)
February 3 (submit proposals by January 27)
February 17 (submit proposals by February 10)
March 3 (submit proposals by February 24)
March 24 (submit proposals by March 17)
April 7 (submit proposals by March 31)
April 21 (submit proposals by April 14)


For proposals affecting undergraduate students only:
For proposals affecting undergraduate AND graduate students, please continue to use these forms.  Submit proposal to