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EAP 500

A Path to English Proficiency for International Students

One of the best ways for Hood College’s international students to perfect their English, besides conversing with their friends and colleagues, is to enroll in EAP 500; Advanced English for…

  • Graduate
  • Graduate School
  • Languages & International Studies
Jim Caruso

Flying Dog Brewery CEO to Give Talk on Free Speech

FREDERICK, Maryland—Jim Caruso, CEO of Flying Dog Brewery in Frederick, will give a public lecture on Oct. 18 at 7 p.m. in Hodson Auditorium in Rosenstock Hall at Hood College…

  • Graduate
  • Undergraduate
  • Awards
Humanities Conference

Hood Hosts Student-Led Humanities Conference

September 16th saw Hood College hosting its first ever student-led Humanities conference! “Discovering the Humanities” featured undergraduate and graduate students from Hood and other area colleges and universities. According to…

  • Graduate
  • Arts & Humanities Graduate Programs
  • Graduate School
Marlon and Kevin

Creating Community Leaders

Kevin Brown and Marlon Ramirez, students in Hood College’s MBA program, have completed The Frederick County Future Minority Business Leaders Program. An initiative of the Frederick County Office of Economic…

  • Graduate
  • Graduate Student
  • Business Graduate Programs
Crystal Griner

Hood College Announces New President's Medal

FREDERICK, Maryland—Hood College President Andrea E. Chapdelaine, Ph.D., has established the President’s Medal, a prestigious honor awarded to an individual or organization who exemplifies one of Hood’s core values of…

  • Graduate
  • Undergraduate
  • Awards
  • Alumni

More Than Just Molding Clay!

Participants in Hood College’s Graduate Ceramics Arts programs have several degree options, but all students are working with both theory and practice in ceramics. Whether they are working towards a…

  • Graduate
  • Graduate School
  • Arts & Humanities Graduate Programs
  • Graduate Student

Ceramics Program Intensive Summer Seminars

Hood College Ceramics students haven’t just been relaxing this summer! They have had the option of taking several short but intensive seminar classes. Two of these 5-day classes included Throwing…

  • Graduate
  • Graduate School
  • Arts & Humanities Graduate Programs
Plates and Platters

ARTS 507—Plates and Platters

One of the course offerings from the Hood College Ceramic Arts graduate program is entitled Plates and Platters. The college catalog states “Plates and Platters is an in-depth study of…

  • Graduate
  • Graduate School
  • Arts & Humanities Graduate Programs
Matthew Gaddie Bowls

Donor Gives $30,000 to Ceramic Arts Graduate Scholarship

Fleur Bresler, a long-time collector and supporter of the arts, recently made a generous contribution of $30,000 to Hood College’s Ceramic Arts and Technology Graduate Scholarship, launched to attract talented…

  • Graduate
  • Graduate School
  • Arts & Humanities Graduate Programs
  • Awards
  • Grants and Scholarships