Student Learning Outcomes
At Hood College, we are committed to teaching excellence. Program goals and learning outcomes identify what we expect students to learn, think critically about and accomplish in their courses and programs of study at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. We believe an integrated learning approach that combines a strong grounding in the liberal arts with advanced study in the major and opportunities for internships and research initiatives is the best way to prepare students for lives of purpose and civic engagement.
Graduates earning a bachelor’s degree in early childhood education from Hood College:
Are grounded in a child development knowledge base. They use their understanding of young children's characteristics and needs, and of multiple interacting influences on children's development and learning, to create environments that are healthy, respectful, supportive and challenging for each child through:
- Knowing and understanding young children's characteristics and needs, from birth through age 8;
- Knowing and understanding the multiple influences on early development and learning; and
- Using developmental knowledge to create healthy, respectful, supportive and challenging learning environments for young children.
Understand that successful early childhood education depends upon partnerships with children's families and communities. They know about, understand and value the importance and complex characteristics of children's families and communities. They use this understanding to create respectful, reciprocal relationships that support and empower families, and to involve all families in their children's development and learning through:
- Knowing about and understanding diverse family and community characteristics;
- Supporting and engaging families and communities through respectful, reciprocal relationships; and
- Involving families and communities in young children's development and learning.
Understand that child observation, documentation and other forms of assessment are central to the practice of all early childhood professionals. They know about and understand the goals, benefits and uses of assessment. They know about and use systematic observations, documentation and other effective assessment strategies in a responsible way, in partnership with families and other professionals, to positively influence the development of every child through:
- Understanding the goals, benefits and uses of assessment — including its use in development of appropriate goals, curriculum and teaching strategies for young children;
- Knowing about and using observation, documentation and other appropriate assessment tools and approaches, including the use of technology in documentation, assessment and data collection;
- Understanding and practicing responsible assessment to promote positive outcomes for each child, including the use of assistive technology for children with disabilities; and
- Knowing about assessment partnerships with families and with professional colleagues to build effective learning environments.
Understand that teaching and learning with young children is a complex enterprise, and its details vary depending on children's ages, characteristics, and the settings within which teaching and learning occur. They understand and use positive relationships and supportive interactions as the foundation for their work with young children and families. Candidates know, understand, and use a wide array of developmentally appropriate approaches, instructional strategies, and tools to connect with children and families and positively influence each child's development and learning through:
- Understanding positive relationships and supportive interactions as the foundation of their work with young children;
- Knowing and understanding effective strategies and tools for early education, including appropriate uses of technology;
- Using a broad repertoire of developmentally appropriate teaching/leaning approaches; and
- Reflecting on own practice to promote positive outcomes for each child.
Use their knowledge of academic disciplines to design, implement, and evaluate experiences that promote positive development and learning for each and every young child. Candidates understand the importance of developmental domains and academic (or content) disciplines in early childhood curriculum. They know the essential concepts, inquiry tools and structure of content areas, including academic subjects, and can identify resources to deepen their understanding. Candidates use their own knowledge and other resources to design, implement, and evaluate meaningful, challenging curriculum that promotes comprehensive developmental and learning outcomes for every young child through:
- Understanding content knowledge and resources in academic disciplines: language and literacy, the arts music, creative movement, dance, drama, visual arts; mathematics; science, physical activity, physical education, health and safety; and social studies;
- Knowing and using the central concepts, inquiry tools and structures of content areas or academic disciplines; and
- Using own knowledge, appropriate early learning standards and other resources to design, implement and evaluate developmentally meaningful and challenging curriculum for each child.
Identify and conduct themselves as members of the early childhood profession. They know and use ethical guidelines and other professional standards related to early childhood practice. They are continuous, collaborative learners who demonstrate knowledgeable, reflective and critical perspectives on their work, making informed decisions that integrate knowledge from a variety of sources. They are informed advocates for sound educational practices and policies through:
- Identifying and involving oneself with the early childhood field;
- Knowing about and upholding ethical standards and other early childhood professional guidelines;
- Engaging in continuous, collaborative learning to inform practice; using technology effectively with young children, with peers and as a professional resource;
- Integrating knowledgeable, reflective and critical perspectives on early education; and
- Engaging in informed advocacy for young children and the early profession.
Field experiences and clinical practice are planned and sequenced so that candidates develop the knowledge, skills and professional dispositions necessary to promote the development and learning of young children across the entire developmental period of early childhood in at least two of the three early childhood age groups (birth — age 3, 3 through 5, 5 through 8 years) and in the variety of settings that offer early education (early school grades, child care centers and homes, Head Start programs) through:
- Opportunities to observe and practice in at least two of the three early childhood age groups (birth — age 3, 3-5, 5-8); and
- Opportunities to observe and practice in at least two of the three main types of early education settings (early school grades, child care centers and homes, Head Start programs).
Graduates earning a bachelor’s degree in elementary/special education from Hood College:
Elementary Education
- Know, understand and use the major concepts, principles, theories and research related to development of children and young adolescents to construct learning opportunities that support individual students’ development, acquisition of knowledge and motivation.
- Curriculum Focus
- Demonstrate a high level of competence in use of English language arts and they know, understand, and use concepts from reading, language and child development, to teach reading, writing, speaking, viewing, listening, and thinking skills and to help students successfully apply their developing skills to many different situations, materials and ideas;
- Design and implement age-appropriate inquiry lessons to teach science, to build student understanding for personal and social applications and to convey the nature of science;
- Use the major concepts and procedures that define number and operations, algebra, geometry, measurement and data analysis and probability. Consistently engage problem solving, reasoning and proof, communication, connections and representation;
- Integrate the study of history, geography, the social sciences and other related areas—to promote elementary students’ abilities to make informed decisions as citizens of a culturally diverse democratic society and interdependent world;
- Use the content, functions and achievements of the performing arts (dance, music, theater) and the visual arts as primary media for communication, inquiry and engagement among elementary students;
- Apply the major concepts in the subject matter of health education to create opportunities for student development and practice of skills that contribute to good health; and
- Use human movement and physical activity as central elements to foster active, healthy life styles and enhanced quality of life for elementary students.
- Instructional Focus
- Plan and implement instruction based on knowledge of students, learning theory, connections across the curriculum, curricular goals and community;
- Understand how elementary students differ in their development and approaches to learning, and create instructional opportunities that are adapted to diverse students;
- Use a variety of teaching strategies that encourage elementary students’ development of critical thinking and problem solving;
- Use the knowledge and understanding of individual and group motivation and behavior among students at the K-6 level to foster active engagement in learning, self-motivation, and positive social interaction and to create supportive learning environments; and
- Use the knowledge and understanding of effective verbal, nonverbal and media communication techniques to foster active inquiry, collaboration and supportive interaction in the elementary classroom.
- Know, understand, and use formal and informal assessment strategies to plan, evaluate and strengthen instruction that will promote continuous intellectual, social, emotional and physical development of each elementary student.
- Professionalism Focus
- Demonstrate awareness of and reflect on the practice research on teaching, professional ethics, and resources available for professional learning; continually evaluate the effects of professional decisions and actions on students, families and other professionals in the learning community and actively seek out opportunities to grow professionally; and
- Establish and maintain a positive collaborative relationship with families, school colleagues, and agencies in the larger community to promote the intellectual, social, emotional, physical growth and well-being of children.
Special Education
- Understand how exceptionalities may interact with development and learning and use this knowledge to provide meaningful and challenging learning experiences for individuals with exceptionalities through:
- Understanding how language, culture and family background influence the learning of individuals with exceptionalities, and
- Using the understanding of development and individual differences to respond to the needs of individuals with exceptionalities.
- Create safe, inclusive, culturally responsive learning environments so that individuals with exceptionalities become active and effective learners and develop emotional well-being, positive social interactions and self-determination through:
- Collaborating with general educators and other colleagues create safe, inclusive, culturally responsive learning environments to engage individuals with exceptionalities in meaningful learning activities and social interactions;
- Using motivational and instructional interventions to teach individuals with exceptionalities how to adapt to different environments; and
- Intervening safely and appropriately with individuals with exceptionalities in crisis.
- Use knowledge of general and specialized curricula to individualize learning for individuals with exceptionalities through:
- Applying central concepts, structures of the discipline, and tools of inquiry of the content areas taught, and organize this knowledge, integrate cross-disciplinary skills, and develop meaningful learning progressions for individuals with exceptionalities;
- Using general and specialized content knowledge for teaching across curricular content areas to individualize learning for individuals with exceptionalities; and
- Modifying general and specialized curricula to make them accessible to individuals with exceptionalities.
- Use multiple methods of assessment and data-sources in making educational decisions through:
- Selecting and using technically sound formal and informal assessments that minimize bias;
- Applying measurement principles and practices to interpret assessment results and guide educational decisions for individuals with exceptionalities;
- Collaborating with colleagues and families use multiple types of assessment information in making decisions about individuals with exceptionalities; and
- Engaging individuals with exceptionalities to work toward quality learning and performance and provide feedback and guidance.
- Select, adapt, and use a repertoire of evidence-based instructional strategies to advance learning of individuals with exceptionalities through:
- Considering an individual’s abilities, interests, learning environments, and cultural and linguistic factors in the selection, development, and adaptation of learning experiences for individuals with exceptionalities;
- Using technologies to support instructional assessment, planning, and delivery for individuals with exceptionalities;
- Applying augmentative and alternative communication systems and a variety of assistive technologies to support the communication and learning of individuals with exceptionalities;
- Using strategies to enhance language development and communication skills of individuals with exceptionalities;
- Developing and implementing a variety of education and transition plans for individuals with exceptionalities across a wide range of settings and different learning experiences in collaboration with individuals, families, and teams;
- Teaching to mastery and promoting generalization of learning; and
- Teaching cross-disciplinary knowledge and skills such as critical thinking and problem solving to individuals with exceptionalities.
- Use foundational knowledge of the field and their professional Ethical Principles and Practice Standards to inform special education practice, to engage in lifelong learning, and to advance the profession through:
- Use professional Ethical Principles and Professional Practice Standards to guide the practice;
- Understanding how foundational knowledge and current issues influence professional practice;
- Understanding that diversity is a part of families, cultures, and schools, and that complex human issues can interact with the delivery of special education services;
- Understanding the significance of lifelong learning and participating in professional activities and learning communities;
- Advancing the profession by engaging in activities such as advocacy and mentoring; and
- Providing guidance and direction to paraeducators, tutors, and volunteers.
- Collaborate with families, other educators, related service providers, individuals with exceptionalities, and personnel from community agencies in culturally responsive ways to address the needs of individuals with exceptionalities across a range of learning experiences through:
- Using the theory and elements of effective collaboration;
- Serving as a collaborative resource to colleagues; and
- Collaborating to promote the well-being of individuals with exceptionalities across a wide range of settings and collaborators.
Graduates earning a master's degree in curriculum and instruction from Hood College:
Are committed to students and their learning through:
- Making knowledge accessible to all students. They act on the belief that all students can learn. They treat students equitably, recognizing the individual differences that distinguish one student from another and taking account of these differences in their practice. They adjust their practice based on observation and knowledge of their students' interests, abilities, skills, knowledge, family circumstances and peer relationships.
- Understanding how students develop and learn. They incorporate the prevailing theories of cognition and intelligence in their practice. They are aware of the influence of context and culture on behavior. They develop students' cognitive capacity and their respect for learning. Equally important, they foster students' self-esteem, motivation, character, civic responsibility and their respect for individual, cultural, religious and racial differences.
Know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to students through:
- A rich understanding of the subject(s) they teach and appreciate how knowledge in their subject is created, organized, linked to other disciplines and applied to real-world settings. While faithfully representing the collective wisdom of our culture and upholding the value of disciplinary knowledge, they also develop the critical and analytical capacities of their students.
- Command of a specialized knowledge of how to convey and reveal subject matter to students. They are aware of the preconceptions and background knowledge that students typically bring to each subject and of strategies and instructional materials that can be of assistance. They understand where difficulties are likely to arise and modify their practice accordingly. Their instructional repertoire allows them to create multiple paths to the subjects they teach, and they are adept at teaching students how to pose and solve their own problems.
Are responsible for managing and monitoring student learning through:
- Creating, enriching, maintaining and altering instructional settings to capture and sustain the interest of their students and to make the most effective use of time. They also are adept at engaging students and adults to assist their teaching and at enlisting their colleagues' knowledge and expertise to complement their own. Accomplished teachers command a range of generic instructional techniques, know when each is appropriate and can implement them as needed. They are as aware of ineffectual or damaging practice as they are devoted to elegant practice.
- Engaging groups of students to ensure a disciplined learning environment, and how to organize instruction to allow the schools' goals for students to be met. They are adept at setting norms for social interaction among students and between students and teachers. They understand how to motivate students to learn and how to maintain their interest even in the face of temporary failure.
- Assessing the progress of individual students as well as that of the class as a whole. They employ multiple methods for measuring student growth and understanding and can clearly explain student performance to parents.
Think systematically about their practice and learn from experience through:
- Exemplifying the virtues they seek to inspire in students -- curiosity, tolerance, honesty, fairness, respect for diversity and appreciation of cultural differences -- and the capacities that are prerequisites for intellectual growth: the ability to reason and take multiple perspectives to be creative and take risks, and to adopt an experimental and problem-solving orientation.
- Drawing on their knowledge of human development, subject matter and instruction, and their understanding of their students to make principled judgments about sound practice. Their decisions are not only grounded in the literature, but also in their experience. They engage in lifelong learning which they seek to encourage in their students.
- Striving to strengthen their teaching, accomplished teachers critically examine their practice, seek to expand their repertoire, deepen their knowledge, sharpen their judgment and adapt their teaching to new findings, ideas and theories.
Are members of learning communities through:
- Contributing to the effectiveness of the school by working collaboratively with other professionals on instructional policy, curriculum development and staff development. They can evaluate school progress and the allocation of school resources in light of their understanding of state and local educational objectives. They are knowledgeable about specialized school and community resources that can be engaged for their students' benefit, and are skilled at employing such resources as needed.
- Finding ways to work collaboratively and creatively with parents, engaging them productively in the work of the school.
Graduates earning a master's degree in educational leadership from Hood College:
Develop, advocate, and enact a shared mission, vision, and core values of high-quality education and academic success and well-being of each student through:
- Developing an educational mission for the school to promote the academic success and well-being of each student;
- In collaboration with members of the school and the community and using relevant data, developing and promoting a vision for the school on the successful learning and development of each child and on instructional and organizational practices that promote such success;
- Articulating, advocating, and cultivating core values that define the school’s culture and stress the imperative of child-centered education; high expectations and student support; equity, inclusiveness, and social justice; openness, caring, and trust; and continuous improvement;
- Strategically developing, implementing, and evaluating actions to achieve the vision for the school;
- Reviewing the school’s mission and vision and adjust them to changing expectations and opportunities for the school, and changing needs and situations of students;
- Developing shared understanding of and commitment to mission, vision, and core values within the school and the community; and
- Modeling and pursuing the school’s mission, vision, and core values in all aspects of leadership.
Act ethically and according to professional norms to promote each student's academic success and well-being through:
- Acting ethically and professionally in personal conduct, relationships with others, decision-making, stewardship of the school’s resources, and all aspects of school leadership;
- Acting according to and promoting the professional norms of integrity, fairness, transparency, trust, collaboration, perseverance, learning, and continuous improvement;
- Placing children at the center of education and accepting responsibility for each student’s academic success and well-being;
- Safeguarding and promoting the values of democracy, individual freedom and responsibility, equity, social justice, community, and diversity;
- Leading with interpersonal and communication skill, social-emotional insight, and understanding of all students’ and staff members’ backgrounds and cultures; and
- Providing moral direction for the school and promote ethical and professional behavior among faculty and staff.
Strive for equity of educational opportunity and culturally responsive practices to promote each student's academic success and well-being through:
- Implementing coherent systems of curriculum, instruction, and assessment that promote the mission, vision, and core values of the school, embody high expectations for student learning, align with academic standards, and are culturally responsive;
- Aligning and focusing systems of curriculum, instruction, and assessment within and across grade levels to promote student academic success, love of learning, the identities and habits of learners, and healthy sense of self;
- Promoting instructional practice that is consistent with knowledge of child learning and development, effective pedagogy, and the needs of each student;
- Ensuring instructional practice that is intellectually challenging, authentic to student experiences, recognizes student strengths, and is differentiated and personalized;
- Promoting the effective use of technology in the service of teaching and learning;
- Employing valid assessments that are consistent with knowledge of child learning and development and technical standards of measurement; and
- Using assessment data appropriately and within technical limitations to monitor student progress and improve instruction.
Cultivate an inclusive, caring, and supportive school community that promotes the academic success and well-being of each student through:
- Building and maintaining a safe, caring, and healthy school environment that meets that the academic, social, emotional, and physical needs of each student;
- Creating and sustaining a school environment in which each student is known, accepted and valued, trusted and respected, cared for, and encouraged to be an active and responsible member of the school community;
- Providing coherent systems of academic and social supports, services, extracurricular activities, and accommodations to meet the range of learning needs of each student;
- Promoting adult-student, student-peer, and school-community relationships that value and support academic learning and positive social and emotional development;
- Cultivating and reinforcing student engagement in school and positive student conduct; and
- Infusing the school’s learning environment with the cultures and languages of the school’s community.
Develop the professional capacity and practice of school personnel to promote each student's academic success and well-being through:
- Recruiting, hiring, supporting, developing, and retaining effective and caring teachers and other professional staff and form them into an educationally effective faculty;
- Planning for and managing staff turnover and succession, providing opportunities for effective induction and mentoring of new personnel;
- Developing teachers’ and staff members’ professional knowledge, skills, and practice through differentiated opportunities for learning and growth, guided by understanding of professional and adult learning and development;
- Fostering continuous improvement of individual and collective instructional capacity to achieve outcomes envisioned for each student;
- Delivering actionable feedback about instruction and other professional practice through valid, research-anchored systems of supervision and evaluation to support the development of teachers’ and staff members’ knowledge, skills, and practice;
- Empowering and motivating teachers and staff to the highest levels of professional practice and to continuous learning and improvement;
- Developing the capacity, opportunities, and support for teacher leadership and leadership from other members of the school community;
- Promoting the personal and professional health, well-being, and work-life balance of faculty and staff; and
- Tending to their own learning and effectiveness through reflection, study, and improvement, maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
Foster a professional community of teachers and other professional staff to promote each student's academic success and well-being through:
- Developing workplace conditions for teachers and other professional staff that promote effective professional development, practice, and student learning;
- Empowering and entrusting teachers and staff with collective responsibility for meeting the academic, social, emotional, and physical needs of each student, pursuant to the mission, vision, and core values of the school;
- Establishing and sustaining a professional culture of engagement and commitment to shared vision, goals, and objectives pertaining to the education of the whole child; high expectations for professional work; ethical and equitable practice; trust and open communication; collaboration, collective efficacy, and continuous individual and organizational learning and improvement;
- Promoting mutual accountability among teachers and other professional staff for each student’s success and the effectiveness of the school as a whole;
- Developing and supporting open, productive, caring, and trusting working relationships among leaders, faculty, and staff to promote professional capacity and the improvement of practice;
- Designing and implementing job-embedded and other opportunities for professional learning collaboratively with faculty and staff;
- Providing opportunities for collaborative examination of practice, collegial feedback, and collective learning; and
- Encouraging faculty-initiated improvement of programs and practices.
Engage families and the community in meaningful, reciprocal, and mutually beneficial ways to promote each student's academic success and well-being through:
- Being approachable, accessible, and welcoming to families and members of the community;
- Creating and sustaining positive, collaborative, and productive relationships with families and the community for the benefit of students;
- Engaging in regular and open two-way communication with families and the community about the school, students, needs, problems, and accomplishments;
- Maintaining a presence in the community to understand its strengths and needs, develop productive relationships, and engage its resources for the school;
- Creating means for the school community to partner with families to support student learning in and out of school;
- Understanding, valuing, and employing the community’s cultural, social, intellectual, and political resources to promote student learning and school improvement;
- Developing and providing the school as a resource for families and the community;
- Advocating for the school and district, and for the importance of education and student needs and priorities to families and the community;
- Advocating publicly for the needs and priorities of students, families, and the community; and
- Building and sustaining productive partnerships with public and private sectors to promote school improvement and student learning.
Manage school operations and resources to promote each student's academic success and well-being through:
- Instituting, managing, and monitoring operations and administrative systems that promote the mission and vision of the school;
- Strategically managing staff resources, assigning and scheduling teachers and staff to roles and responsibilities that optimize their professional capacity to address each student’s learning needs;
- Seeking, acquiring, and managing fiscal, physical, and other resources to support curriculum, instruction, and assessment; student learning community; professional capacity and community; and family and community engagement;
- Being responsible, ethical, and accountable stewards of the school’s monetary and non-monetary resources, engaging in effective budgeting and accounting practice
- Protecting teachers’ and other staff members’ work and learning from disruption;
- Employing technology to improve the quality and efficiency of operations and management;
- Developing and maintaining data and communication systems to deliver actionable information for classroom and school improvement;
- Knowing, complying with, and helping the school community understand local, state, and federal laws, rights, policies, and regulations so as to promote student success;
- Developing and managing relationships with feeder and connecting schools for enrollment management and curricular and instructional articulation;
- Developing and managing productive relationships with the central office and school board
- Developing and administering systems for fair and equitable management of conflict among students, faculty and staff, leaders, families, and community; and
- Managing governance processes and internal and external politics toward achieving the school’s mission and vision.
Act as agents of continuous improvement to promote each student's academic success and well-being through:
- Seeking to make school more effective for each student, teachers and staff, families, and the community;
- Using methods of continuous improvement to achieve the vision, fulfill the mission, and promote the core values of the school;
- Preparing the school and the community for improvement, promoting readiness, an imperative for improvement, instilling mutual commitment and accountability, and developing the knowledge, skills, and motivation to succeed in improvement;
- Engaging others in an ongoing process of evidence-based inquiry, learning, strategic goal setting, planning, implementation, and evaluation for continuous school and classroom improvement;
- Employing situationally-appropriate strategies for improvement, including transformational and incremental, adaptive approaches and attention to different phases of implementation;
- Assessing and developing the capacity of staff to assess the value and applicability of emerging educational trends and the findings of research for the school and its improvement;
- Developing technically appropriate systems of data collection, management, analysis, and use, connecting as needed to the district office and external partners for support in planning, implementation, monitoring, feedback, and evaluation;
- Adopting a systems perspective and promote coherence among improvement efforts and all aspects of school organization, programs, and services;
- Managing uncertainty, risk, competing initiatives, and politics of change with courage and perseverance, providing support and encouragement, and openly communicating the need for, process for, and outcomes of improvement efforts; and
- Developing and promoting leadership among teachers and staff for inquiry, experimentation and innovation, and initiating and implementing improvement.
Education, Multidisciplinary Studies (B.A.) incorporates its curriculum and SLOs from the Curriculum and Instruction (B.A.), Reading Specialization (B.A.), and Educational Leadership (B.A.) programs.
Graduates earning a master's degree in education, multidisciplinary studies from Hood College:
Curriculum and Instruction
Are committed to students and their learning through:
- Making knowledge accessible to all students. They act on the belief that all students can learn. They treat students equitably, recognizing the individual differences that distinguish one student from another and taking account of these differences in their practice. They adjust their practice based on observation and knowledge of their students' interests, abilities, skills, knowledge, family circumstances and peer relationships.
- Understanding how students develop and learn. They incorporate the prevailing theories of cognition and intelligence in their practice. They are aware of the influence of context and culture on behavior. They develop students' cognitive capacity and their respect for learning. Equally important, they foster students' self-esteem, motivation, character, civic responsibility and their respect for individual, cultural, religious and racial differences.
Know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to students through:
- A rich understanding of the subject(s) they teach and appreciate how knowledge in their subject is created, organized, linked to other disciplines and applied to real-world settings. While faithfully representing the collective wisdom of our culture and upholding the value of disciplinary knowledge, they also develop the critical and analytical capacities of their students.
- Command of a specialized knowledge of how to convey and reveal subject matter to students. They are aware of the preconceptions and background knowledge that students typically bring to each subject and of strategies and instructional materials that can be of assistance. They understand where difficulties are likely to arise and modify their practice accordingly. Their instructional repertoire allows them to create multiple paths to the subjects they teach, and they are adept at teaching students how to pose and solve their own problems.
Are responsible for managing and monitoring student learning through:
- Creating, enriching, maintaining and altering instructional settings to capture and sustain the interest of their students and to make the most effective use of time. They also are adept at engaging students and adults to assist their teaching and at enlisting their colleagues' knowledge and expertise to complement their own. Accomplished teachers command a range of generic instructional techniques, know when each is appropriate and can implement them as needed. They are as aware of ineffectual or damaging practice as they are devoted to elegant practice.
- Engaging groups of students to ensure a disciplined learning environment, and how to organize instruction to allow the schools' goals for students to be met. They are adept at setting norms for social interaction among students and between students and teachers. They understand how to motivate students to learn and how to maintain their interest even in the face of temporary failure.
- Assessing the progress of individual students as well as that of the class as a whole. They employ multiple methods for measuring student growth and understanding and can clearly explain student performance to parents.
Think systematically about their practice and learn from experience through:
- Exemplifying the virtues they seek to inspire in students -- curiosity, tolerance, honesty, fairness, respect for diversity and appreciation of cultural differences -- and the capacities that are prerequisites for intellectual growth: the ability to reason and take multiple perspectives to be creative and take risks, and to adopt an experimental and problem-solving orientation.
- Drawing on their knowledge of human development, subject matter and instruction, and their understanding of their students to make principled judgments about sound practice. Their decisions are not only grounded in the literature, but also in their experience. They engage in lifelong learning which they seek to encourage in their students.
- Striving to strengthen their teaching, accomplished teachers critically examine their practice, seek to expand their repertoire, deepen their knowledge, sharpen their judgment and adapt their teaching to new findings, ideas and theories.
Are members of learning communities through:
- Contributing to the effectiveness of the school by working collaboratively with other professionals on instructional policy, curriculum development and staff development. They can evaluate school progress and the allocation of school resources in light of their understanding of state and local educational objectives. They are knowledgeable about specialized school and community resources that can be engaged for their students' benefit, and are skilled at employing such resources as needed.
- Finding ways to work collaboratively and creatively with parents, engaging them productively in the work of the school.
Reading Specialization
Demonstrate knowledge of major theoretical, conceptual, historical, and evidence-based foundations of literacy and language, the ways in which they interrelate, and the role of the reading/literacy specialist in schools through:
- Demonstrating knowledge of the major theoretical, conceptual, historical, and evidence-based components of reading (e.g., concepts of print, phonological awareness, phonics, word recognition, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension) development throughout the grades and its relationship with other aspects of literacy;
- Demonstrating knowledge of the major theoretical, conceptual, historical, and evidence-based aspects of writing development, writing processes (e.g., revising, audience), and foundational skills (e.g., spelling, sentence construction, word processing) and their relationships with other aspects of literacy; and
- Demonstrating knowledge of theoretical, conceptual, historical, and evidence-based components of language (e.g., language acquisition, structure of language, conventions of standard English, vocabulary acquisition and use, speaking, listening, viewing, visually representing) and its relationships with other aspects of literacy.
Use foundational knowledge to design literacy curricula to meet needs of learners, especially those who experience difficulty with literacy; design, implement, and evaluate small-group and individual evidence-based literacy instruction for learners; collaborate with teachers to implement effective literacy practices through:
- Using foundational knowledge to design, select, critique, adapt, and evaluate evidence-based literacy curricula that meet the needs of all learners;
- Designing, selecting, adapting, teaching, and evaluating evidence-based instructional approaches, using both informational and narrative texts, to meet the literacy needs of whole class and groups of students in the academic disciplines and other subject areas, and when learning to read, write, listen, speak, view, or visually represent;
- Selecting, adapting, teaching, and evaluating evidence-based, supplemental, and intervention approaches and programs; such instruction is explicit, intense, and provides adequate scaffolding to meet the literacy needs of individual and small groups of students, especially those who experience difficulty with reading and writing; and
- Collaborating with and coaching school-based educators in developing, implementing, and evaluating literacy instructional practices and curriculum.
Understand, select, and use valid, reliable, fair, and appropriate assessment tools to screen, diagnose, and measure student literacy achievement; inform instruction and evaluate interventions; assist teachers in their understanding and use of assessment results; advocate for appropriate literacy practices to relevant stakeholders through:
- Understanding the purposes, attributes, formats, strengths/limitations (including validity, reliability, inherent language, dialect, cultural bias), and influences of various types of tools in a comprehensive literacy and language assessment system and apply that knowledge to using assessment tools;
- Collaborating with colleagues to administer, interpret, and use data for decision making about student assessment, instruction, intervention, and evaluation for individual and groups of students;
- Participating in and leading professional learning experiences to assist teachers in selecting, administering, analyzing, interpreting assessments, and using results for instructional decision making in classrooms and schools; and
- Using both written and oral communication, explain assessment results and advocate for appropriate literacy and language practices to a variety of stakeholders, including students, administrators, teachers, other educators, and parents/guardians.
Demonstrate knowledge of research, relevant theories, pedagogies, and essential concepts of diversity and equity; demonstrate an understanding of themselves and others as cultural beings; create classrooms and schools that are inclusive and affirming; advocate for equity at school, district, and community levels through:
- Demonstrating knowledge of foundational theories about diverse learners, equity, and culturally responsive instruction;
- Demonstrating understanding of themselves and others as cultural beings through their pedagogy and interactions with individuals both within and outside of the school community;
- Creating and advocating for inclusive and affirming classroom and school environments by designing and implementing instruction that is culturally responsive and acknowledges and values the diversity in their school and in society; and
- Advocating for equity at school, district, and community levels.
Meet the developmental needs of all learners and collaborate with school personnel to use a variety of print and digital materials to engage and motivate all learners; integrate digital technologies in appropriate, safe, and effective ways; foster a positive climate that supports a literacy-rich learning environment through:
- In consulting with families and colleagues, meeting the developmental needs of all learners (e.g., English learners, those with difficulties learning to read, the gifted), taking into consideration physical, social, emotional, cultural, and intellectual factors;
- Collaborating with school personnel and provide opportunities for student choice and engagement with a variety of print and digital materials to engage and motivate all learners;
- Integrating digital technologies into their literacy instruction in appropriate, safe, and effective ways and assist colleagues in these efforts; and
- Facilitating efforts to foster a positive climate that supports the physical and social literacy-rich learning environment, including knowledge of routines, grouping structures, and social interactions.
Demonstrate the ability to be reflective literacy professionals, who apply their knowledge of adult learning to work collaboratively with colleagues; demonstrate their leadership and facilitation skills; advocate on behalf of teachers, students, families, and communities through:
- Demonstrate the ability to reflect on their professional practices, belong to professional organizations, and are critical consumers of research, policy, and practice;
- Using their knowledge of adult learning to engage in collaborative decision making with colleagues to design, align, and assess instructional practices and interventions within and across classrooms;
- Developing, refining, and demonstrating leadership and facilitation skills when working with individuals and groups; and
- Consulting with and advocating on behalf of teachers, students, families, and communities for effective literacy practices and policies.
Complete supervised, integrated, extended practica/ clinical experiences that include intervention work with students and working with their peers and experienced colleagues; practica include ongoing experiences in school-based setting(s); supervision includes observation and ongoing feedback by qualified supervisors through:
- Working with individual and small groups of students at various grade levels to assess students’ literacy strengths and needs, develop literacy intervention plans, implement instructional plans, create supportive literacy learning environments, and assess impact on student learning. Settings may include a candidate’s own classroom, literacy clinic, other school, or community settings;
- Collaborating with and coaching peers and experienced colleagues to develop, reflect on, and study their own and others’ teaching practices;
- Having ongoing opportunities for authentic, school-based practicum experiences; and
- Receiving supervision, including observation (in-person, computer assisted, or video analysis) and ongoing feedback during their practicum/clinical experiences by supervisors who understand literacy processes, have literacy content knowledge, understand literacy assessment and evidence-based instructional strategies and, preferably, have experience as reading/literacy specialists.
Educational Leadership
Develop, advocate, and enact a shared mission, vision, and core values of high-quality education and academic success and well-being of each student through:
- Developing an educational mission for the school to promote the academic success and well-being of each student;
- In collaboration with members of the school and the community and using relevant data, developing and promoting a vision for the school on the successful learning and development of each child and on instructional and organizational practices that promote such success;
- Articulating, advocating, and cultivating core values that define the school’s culture and stress the imperative of child-centered education; high expectations and student support; equity, inclusiveness, and social justice; openness, caring, and trust; and continuous improvement;
- Strategically developing, implementing, and evaluating actions to achieve the vision for the school;
- Reviewing the school’s mission and vision and adjust them to changing expectations and opportunities for the school, and changing needs and situations of students;
- Developing shared understanding of and commitment to mission, vision, and core values within the school and the community; and
- Modeling and pursuing the school’s mission, vision, and core values in all aspects of leadership.
Act ethically and according to professional norms to promote each student's academic success and well-being through:
- Acting ethically and professionally in personal conduct, relationships with others, decision-making, stewardship of the school’s resources, and all aspects of school leadership;
- Acting according to and promoting the professional norms of integrity, fairness, transparency, trust, collaboration, perseverance, learning, and continuous improvement;
- Placing children at the center of education and accepting responsibility for each student’s academic success and well-being;
- Safeguarding and promoting the values of democracy, individual freedom and responsibility, equity, social justice, community, and diversity;
- Leading with interpersonal and communication skill, social-emotional insight, and understanding of all students’ and staff members’ backgrounds and cultures; and
- Providing moral direction for the school and promote ethical and professional behavior among faculty and staff.
Strive for equity of educational opportunity and culturally responsive practices to promote each student's academic success and well-being through:
- Implementing coherent systems of curriculum, instruction, and assessment that promote the mission, vision, and core values of the school, embody high expectations for student learning, align with academic standards, and are culturally responsive;
- Aligning and focusing systems of curriculum, instruction, and assessment within and across grade levels to promote student academic success, love of learning, the identities and habits of learners, and healthy sense of self;
- Promoting instructional practice that is consistent with knowledge of child learning and development, effective pedagogy, and the needs of each student;
- Ensuring instructional practice that is intellectually challenging, authentic to student experiences, recognizes student strengths, and is differentiated and personalized;
- Promoting the effective use of technology in the service of teaching and learning;
- Employing valid assessments that are consistent with knowledge of child learning and development and technical standards of measurement; and
- Using assessment data appropriately and within technical limitations to monitor student progress and improve instruction.
Cultivate an inclusive, caring, and supportive school community that promotes the academic success and well-being of each student through:
- Building and maintaining a safe, caring, and healthy school environment that meets that the academic, social, emotional, and physical needs of each student;
- Creating and sustaining a school environment in which each student is known, accepted and valued, trusted and respected, cared for, and encouraged to be an active and responsible member of the school community;
- Providing coherent systems of academic and social supports, services, extracurricular activities, and accommodations to meet the range of learning needs of each student;
- Promoting adult-student, student-peer, and school-community relationships that value and support academic learning and positive social and emotional development;
- Cultivating and reinforcing student engagement in school and positive student conduct; and
- Infusing the school’s learning environment with the cultures and languages of the school’s community.
Develop the professional capacity and practice of school personnel to promote each student's academic success and well-being through:
- Recruiting, hiring, supporting, developing, and retaining effective and caring teachers and other professional staff and form them into an educationally effective faculty;
- Planning for and managing staff turnover and succession, providing opportunities for effective induction and mentoring of new personnel;
- Developing teachers’ and staff members’ professional knowledge, skills, and practice through differentiated opportunities for learning and growth, guided by understanding of professional and adult learning and development;
- Fostering continuous improvement of individual and collective instructional capacity to achieve outcomes envisioned for each student;
- Delivering actionable feedback about instruction and other professional practice through valid, research-anchored systems of supervision and evaluation to support the development of teachers’ and staff members’ knowledge, skills, and practice;
- Empowering and motivating teachers and staff to the highest levels of professional practice and to continuous learning and improvement;
- Developing the capacity, opportunities, and support for teacher leadership and leadership from other members of the school community;
- Promoting the personal and professional health, well-being, and work-life balance of faculty and staff; and
- Tending to their own learning and effectiveness through reflection, study, and improvement, maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
Foster a professional community of teachers and other professional staff to promote each student's academic success and well-being through:
- Developing workplace conditions for teachers and other professional staff that promote effective professional development, practice, and student learning;
- Empowering and entrusting teachers and staff with collective responsibility for meeting the academic, social, emotional, and physical needs of each student, pursuant to the mission, vision, and core values of the school;
- Establishing and sustaining a professional culture of engagement and commitment to shared vision, goals, and objectives pertaining to the education of the whole child; high expectations for professional work; ethical and equitable practice; trust and open communication; collaboration, collective efficacy, and continuous individual and organizational learning and improvement;
- Promoting mutual accountability among teachers and other professional staff for each student’s success and the effectiveness of the school as a whole;
- Developing and supporting open, productive, caring, and trusting working relationships among leaders, faculty, and staff to promote professional capacity and the improvement of practice;
- Designing and implementing job-embedded and other opportunities for professional learning collaboratively with faculty and staff;
- Providing opportunities for collaborative examination of practice, collegial feedback, and collective learning; and
- Encouraging faculty-initiated improvement of programs and practices.
Engage families and the community in meaningful, reciprocal, and mutually beneficial ways to promote each student's academic success and well-being through:
- Being approachable, accessible, and welcoming to families and members of the community;
- Creating and sustaining positive, collaborative, and productive relationships with families and the community for the benefit of students;
- Engaging in regular and open two-way communication with families and the community about the school, students, needs, problems, and accomplishments;
- Maintaining a presence in the community to understand its strengths and needs, develop productive relationships, and engage its resources for the school;
- Creating means for the school community to partner with families to support student learning in and out of school;
- Understanding, valuing, and employing the community’s cultural, social, intellectual, and political resources to promote student learning and school improvement;
- Developing and providing the school as a resource for families and the community;
- Advocating for the school and district, and for the importance of education and student needs and priorities to families and the community;
- Advocating publicly for the needs and priorities of students, families, and the community; and
- Building and sustaining productive partnerships with public and private sectors to promote school improvement and student learning.
Manage school operations and resources to promote each student's academic success and well-being through:
- Instituting, managing, and monitoring operations and administrative systems that promote the mission and vision of the school;
- Strategically managing staff resources, assigning and scheduling teachers and staff to roles and responsibilities that optimize their professional capacity to address each student’s learning needs;
- Seeking, acquiring, and managing fiscal, physical, and other resources to support curriculum, instruction, and assessment; student learning community; professional capacity and community; and family and community engagement;
- Being responsible, ethical, and accountable stewards of the school’s monetary and non-monetary resources, engaging in effective budgeting and accounting practice
- Protecting teachers’ and other staff members’ work and learning from disruption;
- Employing technology to improve the quality and efficiency of operations and management;
- Developing and maintaining data and communication systems to deliver actionable information for classroom and school improvement;
- Knowing, complying with, and helping the school community understand local, state, and federal laws, rights, policies, and regulations so as to promote student success;
- Developing and managing relationships with feeder and connecting schools for enrollment management and curricular and instructional articulation;
- Developing and managing productive relationships with the central office and school board
- Developing and administering systems for fair and equitable management of conflict among students, faculty and staff, leaders, families, and community; and
- Managing governance processes and internal and external politics toward achieving the school’s mission and vision.
Act as agents of continuous improvement to promote each student's academic success and well-being through:
- Seeking to make school more effective for each student, teachers and staff, families, and the community;
- Using methods of continuous improvement to achieve the vision, fulfill the mission, and promote the core values of the school;
- Preparing the school and the community for improvement, promoting readiness, an imperative for improvement, instilling mutual commitment and accountability, and developing the knowledge, skills, and motivation to succeed in improvement;
- Engaging others in an ongoing process of evidence-based inquiry, learning, strategic goal setting, planning, implementation, and evaluation for continuous school and classroom improvement;
- Employing situationally-appropriate strategies for improvement, including transformational and incremental, adaptive approaches and attention to different phases of implementation;
- Assessing and developing the capacity of staff to assess the value and applicability of emerging educational trends and the findings of research for the school and its improvement;
- Developing technically appropriate systems of data collection, management, analysis, and use, connecting as needed to the district office and external partners for support in planning, implementation, monitoring, feedback, and evaluation;
- Adopting a systems perspective and promote coherence among improvement efforts and all aspects of school organization, programs, and services;
- Managing uncertainty, risk, competing initiatives, and politics of change with courage and perseverance, providing support and encouragement, and openly communicating the need for, process for, and outcomes of improvement efforts; and
- Developing and promoting leadership among teachers and staff for inquiry, experimentation and innovation, and initiating and implementing improvement.
Graduates earning a doctorate degree in Organizational Leadership from Hood College:
Reflect in order to globally analyze personal and professional values and principles as a leader, assess their own leadership styles, evaluate their strengths-based leadership styles, and develop strategies to become more effective leaders through:
- Conducting personal and professional leadership analysis and reflection;
- Comparing and contrasting leadership strategies using theories and models to understand mindful leadership; and
- Engaging in on-going leadership development throughout the program.
Strengthen the responsible administration of financial, social, ecological and human resources through:
- Analyzing financial information and reporting findings to compare and contrast with industry standards to develop recommendations to uphold the highest standards of fiscal responsibility;
- Applying leadership skills to identify and develop a plan to address organizational or community needs;
- Analyzing sustainability strategies of an organization or community to identify sustainability challenges and issues; and
- Completing a needs assessment in human resources in an appropriate organization and then design a plan to address two to three of the most significant needs.
Equip leaders with the necessary skills and competencies to effectively initiate and manage change to transform organizations and communities in today’s competitive environment through:
- Applying leadership and change management theory to organizational issues and challenges to enhance organizational effectiveness;
- Analyzing challenges and issues facing an organization or community to develop a set of recommendations to remain sustainable and competitive; and
- Developing a strategic plan using best practices in leadership theory and change management to reflect an understanding of systems-thinking and responsible stewardship.
Position candidates to work closely within the larger community by providing a forum for area professionals to network and collaborate with others who share their interests in leadership, service and development of communities through:
- Interacting with leaders from communities to develop a leadership network and align with leaders and organizations to support mindful leadership development;
- Participating in doctoral program sponsored activities and reflecting on experiences and their impact on serving as mindful, authentic leadership; and
- Developing a project designed to impact the community through your specialization coursework.
Prepare leaders to employ pedagogical, empirical and research skills to effectively initiate, conduct and evaluate independent research through:
- Presenting a concept paper outlining a proposed theoretical framework intended for research study (lit review, theoretical constructs and theoretical framework);
- Conducting independent research using appropriate pedagogical and empirical skills; and
- Defending your research findings.
Prepare leaders as creators and consumers of information within today’s information ecosystem through:
- Evolving as a leader who can construct knowledge and information important and relative to specific industries and contexts;
- Applying the research and inquiry process to create information;
- Appreciating the research and inquiry process to value the importance of information in today’s changing landscape;
- Applying the research process as a valid form of inquiry;
- Evolving as a leader who understands that scholarship is a vital part of conversation as a scholar practitioner; and
- Formulating information and research searches as part of strategic exploration.
This program meets International Literacy Association standards and also fulfills the standards set forth by the Maryland State Department of Education for licensure as a reading specialist.
Graduates earning a master's degree in reading specialization from Hood College:
Demonstrate knowledge of major theoretical, conceptual, historical, and evidence-based foundations of literacy and language, the ways in which they interrelate, and the role of the reading/literacy specialist in schools through:
- Demonstrating knowledge of the major theoretical, conceptual, historical, and evidence-based components of reading (e.g., concepts of print, phonological awareness, phonics, word recognition, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension) development throughout the grades and its relationship with other aspects of literacy;
- Demonstrating knowledge of the major theoretical, conceptual, historical, and evidence-based aspects of writing development, writing processes (e.g., revising, audience), and foundational skills (e.g., spelling, sentence construction, word processing) and their relationships with other aspects of literacy; and
- Demonstrating knowledge of theoretical, conceptual, historical, and evidence-based components of language (e.g., language acquisition, structure of language, conventions of standard English, vocabulary acquisition and use, speaking, listening, viewing, visually representing) and its relationships with other aspects of literacy.
Use foundational knowledge to design literacy curricula to meet needs of learners, especially those who experience difficulty with literacy; design, implement, and evaluate small-group and individual evidence-based literacy instruction for learners; collaborate with teachers to implement effective literacy practices through:
- Using foundational knowledge to design, select, critique, adapt, and evaluate evidence-based literacy curricula that meet the needs of all learners;
- Designing, selecting, adapting, teaching, and evaluating evidence-based instructional approaches, using both informational and narrative texts, to meet the literacy needs of whole class and groups of students in the academic disciplines and other subject areas, and when learning to read, write, listen, speak, view, or visually represent;
- Selecting, adapting, teaching, and evaluating evidence-based, supplemental, and intervention approaches and programs; such instruction is explicit, intense, and provides adequate scaffolding to meet the literacy needs of individual and small groups of students, especially those who experience difficulty with reading and writing; and
- Collaborating with and coaching school-based educators in developing, implementing, and evaluating literacy instructional practices and curriculum.
Understand, select, and use valid, reliable, fair, and appropriate assessment tools to screen, diagnose, and measure student literacy achievement; inform instruction and evaluate interventions; assist teachers in their understanding and use of assessment results; advocate for appropriate literacy practices to relevant stakeholders through:
- Understanding the purposes, attributes, formats, strengths/limitations (including validity, reliability, inherent language, dialect, cultural bias), and influences of various types of tools in a comprehensive literacy and language assessment system and apply that knowledge to using assessment tools;
- Collaborating with colleagues to administer, interpret, and use data for decision making about student assessment, instruction, intervention, and evaluation for individual and groups of students;
- Participating in and leading professional learning experiences to assist teachers in selecting, administering, analyzing, interpreting assessments, and using results for instructional decision making in classrooms and schools; and
- Using both written and oral communication, explain assessment results and advocate for appropriate literacy and language practices to a variety of stakeholders, including students, administrators, teachers, other educators, and parents/guardians.
Demonstrate knowledge of research, relevant theories, pedagogies, and essential concepts of diversity and equity; demonstrate an understanding of themselves and others as cultural beings; create classrooms and schools that are inclusive and affirming; advocate for equity at school, district, and community levels through:
- Demonstrating knowledge of foundational theories about diverse learners, equity, and culturally responsive instruction;
- Demonstrating understanding of themselves and others as cultural beings through their pedagogy and interactions with individuals both within and outside of the school community;
- Creating and advocating for inclusive and affirming classroom and school environments by designing and implementing instruction that is culturally responsive and acknowledges and values the diversity in their school and in society; and
- Advocating for equity at school, district, and community levels.
Meet the developmental needs of all learners and collaborate with school personnel to use a variety of print and digital materials to engage and motivate all learners; integrate digital technologies in appropriate, safe, and effective ways; foster a positive climate that supports a literacy-rich learning environment through:
- In consulting with families and colleagues, meeting the developmental needs of all learners (e.g., English learners, those with difficulties learning to read, the gifted), taking into consideration physical, social, emotional, cultural, and intellectual factors;
- Collaborating with school personnel and provide opportunities for student choice and engagement with a variety of print and digital materials to engage and motivate all learners;
- Integrating digital technologies into their literacy instruction in appropriate, safe, and effective ways and assist colleagues in these efforts; and
- Facilitating efforts to foster a positive climate that supports the physical and social literacy-rich learning environment, including knowledge of routines, grouping structures, and social interactions.
Demonstrate the ability to be reflective literacy professionals, who apply their knowledge of adult learning to work collaboratively with colleagues; demonstrate their leadership and facilitation skills; advocate on behalf of teachers, students, families, and communities through:
- Demonstrate the ability to reflect on their professional practices, belong to professional organizations, and are critical consumers of research, policy, and practice;
- Using their knowledge of adult learning to engage in collaborative decision making with colleagues to design, align, and assess instructional practices and interventions within and across classrooms;
- Developing, refining, and demonstrating leadership and facilitation skills when working with individuals and groups; and
- Consulting with and advocating on behalf of teachers, students, families, and communities for effective literacy practices and policies.
Complete supervised, integrated, extended practica/ clinical experiences that include intervention work with students and working with their peers and experienced colleagues; practica include ongoing experiences in school-based setting(s); supervision includes observation and ongoing feedback by qualified supervisors through:
- Working with individual and small groups of students at various grade levels to assess students’ literacy strengths and needs, develop literacy intervention plans, implement instructional plans, create supportive literacy learning environments, and assess impact on student learning. Settings may include a candidate’s own classroom, literacy clinic, other school, or community settings;
- Collaborating with and coaching peers and experienced colleagues to develop, reflect on, and study their own and others’ teaching practices;
- Having ongoing opportunities for authentic, school-based practicum experiences; and
- Receiving supervision, including observation (in-person, computer assisted, or video analysis) and ongoing feedback during their practicum/clinical experiences by supervisors who understand literacy processes, have literacy content knowledge, understand literacy assessment and evidence-based instructional strategies and, preferably, have experience as reading/literacy specialists.
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