The Department of Biology is housed on the first floor of the Hodson Science and Technology Center, a $20 million complex that opened in 2002. Classrooms and labs are designed to engage students in a variety of learning activities. All are equipped with multimedia teaching tools, including access to web-based technologies. Specially designed and equipped labs for ecology, microbiology, molecular biology, cell culture and physiology are available for course work and student-faculty research collaborations.
take a look at our facilities

Hodson Science & Technology Center
Hodson Science & Technology Center Atrium

Well-equipped, specialized teaching labs

Well-equipped, specialized teaching labs

Greenhouse space for teaching and research

Greenhouse space for teaching and research

Modern classrooms with smart multimedia technology

Modern classrooms with smart multimedia technology

Study spaces for small group work and seminar-style courses

Well-equipped, specialized teaching labs

Labs for faculty-student research
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