Courses for Everyone

Courses for the Core Curriculum

CS 100 Applied Computing  (Non-lab Science)

An introduction to computer science, developed by Google and their university partners, emphasizes problem solving and data analysis skills along with computer programming skills.

Using Python, students learn design, implementation, testing, and analysis of algorithms and programs. Problems will be chosen from real-world examples such as graphics, image processing, cryptography, data analysis, astronomy, video games, and environmental simulation. No prior computing experience required.

This course is developed with grant support and a partnership between Google and the Department of Computer Science & IT. Hood College is one of 20 institutions offering this course in the US.

CS 110 Programming Art (Non-lab Science)

An introduction to computational thinking by developing computer programs to create images, animations, visualizations, and interactive art. Topics include computational thinking, problem solving, programming in the Processing language, impact of technology on society and contemporary issues.

It's about the art of programming and it also programs art as one of the activities.

The course uses the language Processing, a flexible software sketchbook and a language for learning how to code within the context of the visual arts. Processing makes it easy for non-programmers to get started with programming, through the instant gratification of visual feedback. Incidentally, Processing is also a language of choice for the hot new field of data visualization.

CS 112 Introduction to Computer Music (Non-lab Science)

Learn how computers can be applied to music,  use applications and develop computer programs to create, record and edit musical information. This course combines computational thinking, music theory and algorithmic composition.  

IT 180 Unraveling the Web (Non-lab Science)

Introduction to the World Wide Web, its design, and impact on society. Topics include history of the internet and Web, HTML and CSS languages, and contemporary issues. Provides an overview of creating web documents, separating structure from presentation.

Do you want to go beyond Twitter, Facebook and Snapchat?

This is not just a core course – it can be the core of your web presence! We will study the history of the Internet and web, HTML and CSS languages, and contemporary Internet issues. You’ll create web documents, and publish them on the Internet.

No programming background required—design your own web site and beyond!

CSIT 302 The Impact of Computers on Society (Global Perspectives)

Computer technology is a driving factor in globalization. This course studies the past, present and future impact of computer and communications technology on society, education, government and the workplace around the world. Topics covered cross national, cultural, and continental boundaries. The prerequisite is completion of the Social and Behavioral Analysis section or Historical Analysis section or Philosophical Inquiry section of the Core

You will learn about how computers and technology related issues for privacy and Information, freedom of speech, intellectual property, computer crime, and the workplace. You will also look at evaluating technology, errors, failures, and risks, and professional ethics.