Prospective Students
Who Can Apply?
Applicants must be current Hood students or transfer students with at least junior standing as of the fall semester when they intend to use their first year of scholarship. Students should plan to major in one of following STEM areas: biology, chemistry or mathematics. All applicants must be full-time, degree-track undergraduate students for their final two years. All applicants must be U.S. citizens, nationals, legal permanent residents or have refugee status.
Applicants must have a minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA and meet the requirements to participate in Hood’s Secondary Education Certification Program.*
Consideration will be given to students with high financial need and to students who will expand the diversity of NSTEP scholars.
Preference will be given to applicants who have shown interest in NSTEP by attending advertised on- and off-campus STEM opportunities.
The scholarship committee will interview finalist applicants to confirm suitability.
*GPA is not always reflective of students’ ability or potential to succeed in higher education and in challenging schools once in the STEM workforce. Candidates who score slightly below these criteria will be considered as long as they demonstrate strength in other areas.
How to Apply?
The application deadline is March 15 for the cohort beginning in fall semester. Transfer students should first apply and be accepted for admission to Hood College before applying for the NSTEP scholarship.
Applications for admission from transfer students should be submitted to the Office of Admission by March 1, so that admission decisions can be completed by the March 15 deadline.
The Hood Noyce STEM Teacher Education Partnership (NSTEP) program is funded by the National Science Foundation’s Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program (DUE 1660640). For more information on Hood's NSTEP Program, contact us at nstep@hood.edu.

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