Scholarships Searches
Applying for outside scholarships is another option that students have when seeking to finance their education. Students should start their scholarship search by looking in their “own backyard.” Check your high school counseling offices, local libraries, local civic clubs (Rotary, Lions, VFW, etc.), churches, employers or banks. However, be mindful of scholarship scams—never pay a fee to search for scholarships or to apply for scholarships!
Important: If a student receives an outside scholarship, they are responsible for notifying the financial aid office. Please forward copies of any scholarship notifications you receive to the Financial Aid Office, Hood College, 401 Rosemont Avenue, Frederick, MD 21701.
The following list may help you locate outside scholarships to assist with the bottom line of your tuition bill. Hood College does not endorse nor have any role in the awarding or administration of these private scholarship programs.
Scholarship Search Engines
The following is a small list of various search engines that are available for students to research scholarship opportunities.
Microscholarship Search
Hood College has partnered with Raise.Me, a non-profit backed by the Melinda and Bill Gates Foundation, Facebook and Imagine K12 that awards microscholarships to high schoolers for community service, extracurricular activities and academic achievements.
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