Summer Housing 2025

Hood College provides limited campus housing options over the summer to current students who are taking classes with Hood College. Summer housing will be provided in Coblentz Hall. 

After reading information below, to secure your assignment, submit your Summer Housing Contract (terms and conditions described below). The Summer Housing Contract will be available on Monday, March 24, 2025. 

Schedule Overview

  • Friday, April 25: Summer Housing Contracts due for Hood College Students 
  • Wednesday, May 14:  Residence Halls Close for all Students at noon
  • Saturday, May 17: Commencement Ceremony
  • Sunday, June 1:  Beginning at 9 a.m. summer residents may move into their summer assignment
  • Monday, May 19 to Sunday, June 29:  Summer Term 1
  • Monday, June 30 to Sunday, August 10:  Summer Term 2
  • Monday, July 28: Residence Life staff will communicate to Hood College students with a fall 2025 housing assignment the date and time.
  • Monday, August 19:  Fall semester classes begin
Move In

Residents may move in the first date they request housing on their housing contract (no earlier than June 1st). Key pick-up is at the Whitaker Campus Center front desk (staffed 24/7) beginning at 9 a.m. Note that since graduates are permitted to move out of their spring housing assignment by 2 p.m. on May 18, 2025, the move in date for summer housing has been pushed back so every effort can be made to provide clean living spaces for each resident.

Move Out

Students who reside in summer housing may be permitted to move into their fall residence halls early, depending upon the completion of summer facilities projects. Students should monitor their email for more information on moving dates for fall residence halls. Anyone not returning to Hood College housing for the fall 2025 semester must move out of their summer rooms by 5 p.m., Thursday July 31. Students who are leaving summer housing before Thursday July 31, but who are returning to campus for the fall, must completely move out of their rooms when their summer contract is up. Key drop-off after removing all belonging from the room is at Whitaker Campus Center front desk (staffed 24/7).

Extended Stay for Hood College Students

If the requested move-in date (on the summer housing application) is the earliest possible, June 1, and the resident is currently residing in Hood College housing, they may stay on campus in their spring 2025 assignment until that June 1 move-in date, provided the resident moves along the timeline specified; if the resident chooses not to move along this timeline, they will vacate their current room by the published spring semester closing date, they may not occupy the summer assignment until the requested move-in date. If the requested move-out date ends on or after July 31 and the resident is a Hood College Fall 2025 resident, they may stay on campus to move to their fall assignment along the timeline communicated by Residence Life in July. If choosing not to move along this timeline, the resident must vacate their summer assignment at the requested move-out date and adhere to the published fall semester move-in date to occupy their fall room assignment.


Double room
$175 per week or portion thereof (per person)
$500 per summer session if taking a 3-credit course at Hood College (per person)

Single room
$210 per week or portion thereof
$600 per summer session if taking a 3-credit course at Hood College (per person)

Payment terms:

Housing for May and June will be billed under the terms of Summer I; housing for July and August will be billed under the terms of Summer II.

Discounted housing is available only for students enrolled in a 3-credit course with Hood College, for that summer session. If withdrawing for the course and remaining in campus housing, the discounted rate will be prorated, and the main rate will apply from that point forward.

Charges are waived for Summer Resident Assistants. Charges are waived for the ten week period only for Hood College students participating with approved faculty Summer Research Institute; any other time spent in summer housing will be billed to the student. Other faculty programs do not include housing, so the student is responsible for payment. Current Hood students must be enrolled for fall 2025 courses in order to be considered for summer housing.

Dates: Hood College students living on campus during the spring semester whose summer housing begins May 20 will be able to stay in their spring assignment until then at no cost, but will be required to move to their summer room on Saturday, June 1.

Summer Housing Contract:

Click here to submit your Summer Housing Contract (for current Hood College students only). The Summer Housing Contract will be made available beginning Monday, March 24, 2025.

The residence hall rooms contain bedroom furniture (bed, dresser, desk and desk chair), as well as a built-in closet. All rooms have central air conditioning. Furniture should not be removed from the room. If a resident owns a limited amount of additional furniture they would like to include in the room, it will need to be rearranged or stored in a place for unwanted furniture within the assignment. Inflatable furniture, bean bag chairs, and exercise (i.e., treadmills) and recreational (i.e., ping pong tables) equipment are not permitted. Upholstered furniture must be fire retardant. Extension cords, except multiple outlet types with built-in fuse and surge protectors, are prohibited. Other important items prohibited in residences are listed in the Student Handbook.

There are no private bathrooms. Bathrooms are shared among the floor residents. There are private showers in the bathrooms. Occupants are expected to keep their rooms clean and orderly at all times. Trash is to be placed in appropriate hallway or bathroom receptacles. Residents are responsible for notifying residence life staff immediately upon discovering any deteriorated or altered room conditions. Facility-related work order requests need to be reported immediately to Hood College facilities by the resident. Follow directions at this link,, for any non-emergency facilities work requests . Any disaster, unusual occurrence, utility malfunction or equipment failure presenting an imminent danger to life, health, or property is an emergency and should be reported immediately to campus safety at 301-696-3548.

Summer is a busy time on campus. Facilities staff use this time to repair and replace, paint, update and complete various projects. Some of this may cause a temporary disruption of service and inconvenience to residents including the possibility of relocation. The College attempts to provide advance notice, but this is not always possible. During the summer, the campus has also been known to experience severe weather, resulting in power outages. At times, furniture is replaced during the summer, and coordinating the removal of the old and installation of the new may result in an inconvenience to residents.

Residents with a key or lock issue (such as a lost, stolen, or misplaced their key or a lock that is not functioning properly) should immediately report this information to campus safety. All spaces during the summer are subject to fire drills, testing of fire equipment, Room Condition Form inspections, air filter changes, Health, Maintenance and Safety inspections, and facilities staff and contractor repairs. Belongings left in rooms during times not assigned will be considered abandoned and/or discarded, and charges will be assessed to the resident’s account. In addition, the resident may face judicial action and will be assessed a charge of $100 a day. 

Residents agree to live in the location assigned and not participate in unapproved room changes. The College reserves the right to reassign, remove or suspend (pending review) from the residence halls any resident whose conduct exhibits disregard for the residential community, who violates the terms and conditions of residence hall occupancy, or who violates other college rules and regulations. The Office of Residence Life will make such determinations.

Room changes are not permitted for summer assignments. Vacancies will be filled as new requests for housing are submitted. Residents in a double room with a vacancy are expected to keep the space clean and clear, ready to receive a new occupant at any time. Residents must accept a new occupant as assigned by the Office of Residence Life. The Office of Residence Life may not have time to notify residents they will be getting a new roommate. Staff will regularly check the vacancy to ensure it is ready to receive a new roommate; if the space is found to be unavailable for a new resident, a $100 fine will be assessed to the resident (after a warning of such is first provided). Behavior which discriminates against or impedes an interested resident or assigned occupant will be considered sufficient grounds for disciplinary action, including reassignment or removal from the residence halls, without refund, as determined by the Office of Residence Life. The College reserves the right to change room assignments at its discretion at any time, including but not limited to consolidation of room assignments.  The Office of Residence Life reserves the right to consolidate space/vacancies in order to accommodate any resident. 

Residents must move in and move out of their housing assignment during the proper dates and times. Check-out instructions will be provided by resident assistants and must be followed to avoid improper checkout fees and key charges. When checking out of their housing assignment, residents must leave the space in the same condition that they found it in or better. Specifically, rooms should be cleaned, garbage removed, floors free of debris, and furniture tops dusted. All residents will be charged any room damage charges which are assessed from comparing move-in conditions with those at move-out.

Should a resident wish to cancel their summer housing assignment, it must be requested in writing to as soon as possible (prior to the cancellation). If possible, Hood College accounting office staff will adjust housing charges once they hear from Residence Life staff.

The College may terminate this agreement and take possession of the room at any time upon (A) violation of the provisions of this agreement; (B) the direction of a duly authorized judicial body, dean, assistant director or other officer of the College; or (C) suspension/expulsion or a directive removing them from the College.

Many resources available to Hood College students during the academic year are also available during the summer. Some services are not available during this period. For instance, the Hood College health services are unavailable over the summer. Hood College students in summer housing must utilize their medical insurance and other resources if needing health services during this period.

Residents are responsible for observing all College regulations and directives issued through the Office of Residence Life, campus safety and other staff. Every resident should read and adhere to College policies at All housing-related policies are in effect during the summer. Non-students also must comply with policies outlined in the Student Handbook.

Per the Code of Conduct guidelines, Hood College housing is dry during the summer sessions. This means that no alcoholic beverages (open or unopened containers) are permitted in the residences during the summer housing period, regardless of age. Students who violate this policy will be evicted from summer housing. Living on campus during any part of the summer is a privilege.

Regular overnight guests are not permitted in residence during the summer housing period. Summer housing residents will be allowed one guest per week who may stay for no more than two days and nights. Guests must be registered with residence life by signing in/out. Failure to comply with all listed expectations could result in immediate removal from housing.

Strict quiet hours will be observed 11 p.m. through 10 a.m. daily, and courtesy hours will be observed at all other times. In addition, the city noise ordinance is in effect at 11 p.m each night.

The dining hall is not open for most of the summer. Residents must make alternative meal arrangements or prepare meals in the residence hall shared kitchen (with the stipulation they clean up after each use). Cooking is not allowed in the residence hall rooms. Although there will be periodic housekeeping service available during the summer only in the residence hall common areas, failure to keep the residence hall and kitchen area clean may result in fines to the entire residence hall or responsible party and/or closure of the kitchen for a specified period of time.

Residence Life staff

Resident assistants (RAs) will periodically be present and available. Professional staff in the Office of Residence Life will be available most regular business days from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. to handle concerns beyond the scope of the RAs. To contact the Office of Residence Life, call 301-696-3577, email or visit Whitaker Campus Center room 221. In addition, there is a residence life professional on call 24 hours a day to support the RAs during residential emergencies, available via Campus Safety.

Campus Safety staff

Campus Safety staff are present during the summer, and they can be reached by calling 301-696-3548 or visiting the Switchboard in Whitaker Campus Center.  Though they are around, everyone needs to do their part to assist in the effort to ensure their own safety. Residents must take the following precautions to help ensure the safety and security of themselves and their personal belongings: 

  • Lock their residential doors at all times.
  • Walk with someone whenever possible or call for an escort.
  • Call to report any suspicious persons, concerns or problems (such as a let-in/lockout).