Research Funds & Awards

Graduate Student Research Funds

Graduate students are eligible to submit funding requests to the Graduate Student Research and Travel Fund prior to the research and/or conference commences. This fund is intended to assist individual graduate students conducting independent thesis or dissertation research and to help students disseminate their research results at professional meetings. 

View the guidelines for graduate student research and travel fund below. Completion of these forms is required to request research funds. Send your completed, signed form(s) and supporting documentation to Please note: submissions are reviewed and decisioned within 4-6 weeks of receipt. 


Outstanding Student Awards

Every May, special awards are presented at the Graduate Degree Recipient Reception to the outstanding students in each graduate program. Recipients are chosen from the list of students who graduated in the previous September, January and that May by the faculty in the graduate program. Generous donors have endowed the awards as follows:

Arts and Humanities

  • Crespi-Hobby Outstanding Ceramic Arts Student Award
  • Lisa Ann Sullivan, M.A. ’04 Outstanding Humanities Student Award

Biomedical Science and Environmental Biology

  • Christopher H. Smith, M.S. ’95 Outstanding Environmental Biology Student Award
  • Carlo and Valerie Bagni Outstanding Biomedical Science Student Award

Counseling & Thanatology

  • Terry L. Martin Award Outstanding Dually Enrolled Counseling and Thanatology Student Award


  • Jenny E. Nunn, M.S. ’06, C’00 Outstanding Curriculum and Instruction Student Award
  • Dr. Keith R. Harris, M.S. ’99 Outstanding Educational Leadership Student Award
  • Antoinette Border ’04, M.S. ’09 Outstanding Mathematics Education Student Award
  • Virginia Wheeler Jones ’66, M.A. ’88 Outstanding Reading Specialization Student Award

Interdisciplinary Studies in Human Behavior

  • Craig D. Lebo '84 Outstanding Interdisciplinary Studies in Human Behavior Student Award
  • Dr. Dana G. Cable Outstanding Thanatology Student Award


  • Amy Kaufman MacLeod ’08, MBA ’11 Outstanding MBA Student Award

Annual Funded Programs

  • Fred and Lenora Dietzel MBA Award
  • Chrissy Wheeler MBA Director's Award


Annual Funded Program

  • Dr. Mary F. Kearney '96, M.S.'01 and Dr. Ann L. Boyd STEM Scholarship


  • Bryce Blackwood Beauchamp ’84, M.S. ’87, MBA ’06 Outstanding Computer Science Student Award
  • Stephen R. White Outstanding Management of Information Technology Award
  • Gary Corsar, M.A. ’09 Outstanding Information Technology Student Award


Annual Funded Program

  • Donna Mowry Thanatology Award
  • Terry L. Martin Award Outstanding Dually Enrolled Counseling and Thanatology Student Award

Graduate School Teaching Excellence Award for Faculty

Each May, the Graduate School presents awards to one full-time faculty and one adjunct professor who were nominated by students for graduate teaching excellence. The Graduate School Teaching Excellence Awards will be presented at the Graduate School Master’s Degree Reception in May.