Spotlight on GSA President | Maria Guiza
“My role is to try to enrich graduate events and networking opportunities. The GSA communicates with graduate students and reaches out to them about their needs and their graduate experience.”
The Graduate Student Association (GSA) is a great way to get informally involved with other graduate students. If you are new to the area, want to meet other graduate students, and attend various events from Laser Tag to networking in the Frederick, MD community, then GSA may be for you.
For more information contact GSA@Hood.edu, or follow on Facebook: www.facebook.com/HoodGSA and Twitter: @Hood_GSA
a. Promote better communication among graduate students, the faculty, and the administration.
b. Provide Graduate students with an official and representative forum in which to raise Graduate student concerns.
c. Provide funding for the purposes of Graduate student societies, research projects, and educational conferences.
d. Provide activities and services which will assist students in their graduate and post-graduate work.
e. Provide social and networking opportunities for Graduate students.
f. Strengthen the Hood community and bridge the relationships between the College and its Graduates.
All students enrolled in graduate studies or students presenting a statement by their department(s) certifying them to be graduate students shall automatically be eligible to become members of the Graduate Student Association.
a. Active membership of the Graduate Student Association shall be chosen without discrimination on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, creed, age, religion, color, political affiliation or ideology, or national or ethnic origin
b. Active membership requires that the members be a full or part time Graduate Student at Hood College.
c. Full and Part-time Graduate students retain full privileges within the Graduate Student Association with the right to hold office and vote.
d. The Graduate Student Association recognizes various Graduate Societies.
e. The Graduate School at Hood College recognizes various academic disciplines.
Café B4 Class: Get a coffee and a snack before your class. Feel free to mingle with us and other graduate students or dash to your next class!
Mixers: Meet grad students in other departments or even someone who is in your class that you haven’t met yet! Mixers are great for meeting new friends and networking.
We know graduate students can be very busy, from family life to working full time jobs, so you can be as involved as you’d like. If you would like to help us plan events or if you only have time to help spread the word of upcoming events and activities to your fellow classmates we would love to have you join. If you want more information about the GSA or you wish to join the GSA please email gsa@hood.edu.
Welcome to Hood College! We are thrilled to have you join our community and look forward to the unique contributions you will bring. My name is Samuel Pierre, and I am the president of the Graduate Student Association (GSA).
The GSA is committed to enhancing the graduate student experience here at Hood College. As such, our goal and mission are to foster a supportive and inclusive environment, bridging communication between graduate students and the College, and advocating for every single member of our community, regardless of race, gender, religion, or cultural background.
As we launch into this semester, let me remind you that the GSA is here to ensure that your time at Hood is not only academically enriching but also filled with opportunities outside the classroom. We have a range of exciting events planned for this fall semester, and I encourage you to stay connected by following us on Instagram (@hoodgsa), Facebook (@HoodGSA), and X (@Hood_GSA). Help us spread the word by sharing our posts and getting involved.
Remember, YOUR VOICE MATTERS. Whether you are online or on-campus, pursuing a master’s, certificate, or doctoral degree, your participation is crucial to the success of our community. Thank you for choosing Hood College for your graduate education. Welcome home, Blazers, where #YOUBELONG!
Here’s to a fantastic semester and a successful year ahead.
Sam Pierre
“My role is to try to enrich graduate events and networking opportunities. The GSA communicates with graduate students and reaches out to them about their needs and their graduate experience.”
Hood MBA student, Samantha Brandt, is the new Graduate Student Association (GSA) President. Samantha is also a Hood ALTY scholar as she completed her undergraduate studies in Biology at Hood College.
Laura is a native of Columbia and she looks forward to involving more international graduate students in the GSA.