Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Requirements for Financial Aid
Undergraduate and Graduate students receiving financial aid at Hood College (federal, state, institutional and/or outside scholarships/grants) must demonstrate qualitatively and quantitatively the ability to perform satisfactory academic work and to progress measurably toward a degree.
This is in addition to any renewal criteria required for specific state, institutional or other outside awards.
Federal regulations require the financial aid office to monitor students’ academic progress at the end of each academic year. Students receiving aid must be successfully progressing through their program of study.
Need to appeal? If you have received a letter concerning SAP, please use the Form and submit to the financial aid office.
At the end of the spring semester of each academic year, the financial aid office evaluates the academic progress of each student receiving financial aid according to the standards set forth below by the College.
This evaluation determines a student’s eligibility to receive financial assistance in the next academic year. In addition, at the end of both the fall and spring semesters, the registrar reviews the qualitative academic progress of all degree-seeking students to determine the eligibility for continued enrollment at Hood College.
The U.S. Department of Education requires a student to successfully complete 67%.Student's academic progress is measured using minimum cumulative GPA (CGPA) and a maximum timeframe standard of credit hours attempted. Students are considered to be making satisfactory progress toward degree completion for financial aid purposes.
Hood College Office of Financial Aid calculates the pace at which you are progressing in your SAP academic plan.
Divide the cumulative number of earned credits by the cumulative number of attempted credits.
All periods of enrollment count when assessing quantitative standards, even periods in which the student did not receive financial aid.
Total Hours Attempted | Minimum GPA |
1-25 | 1.50 |
26-38 | 1.60 |
39-50 | 1.70 |
51-63 | 1.90 |
64-124 | 2.0 |
The maximum time frame in which a student is expected to complete their degree is 150 percent of the published length of the program measured in academic credits for a student pursuing an additional degree or enrolled in a dual degree program.
Transfer credits and/or credits for prior learning given at the time of enrollment will be counted in the total number of credits attempted. During the course of enrollment, a student may transfer credits earned at outside institutions; however, the credits will apply only for meeting the maximum timeframe standard.
- Course withdrawals (W) after the drop/add period are not included in the GPA calculation but are considered a non-completion of attempted coursework.
- Incomplete (INC) grades are not included in the GPA calculation but are considered a non-completion of attempted coursework until the incomplete grade is replaced with a permanent grade and academic progress can be reevaluated.
- An audit (AU) grade is not considered attempted coursework. It is not included in the GPA calculation or completion rate determination.
- A satisfactory (S) grade is treated as attempted credits earned, but it is not included in the GPA calculation.
- An unsatisfactory (U) grade is treated as attempted credits that are not earned, and it is not included in the GPA calculation.
- A failing grade (F) is treated as attempted credits not earned. It will be included in the calculation of the GPA and the minimum completion rate.
- All grades earned for a repeated course will be included in the calculation of the GPA and every repeated attempt will be included in the completion rate determination.
Students are placed on financial aid probation if they do not meet one or both of the satisfactory academic progress (SAP) standards. Students placed in this status may continue to receive financial aid but are expected to improve their academic standing (CGPA) and/or maximum timeframe progress so that the standards of SAP are met by the end of the next evaluation period, which is the end of the spring semester of each academic year.
If at the end of the probationary period the student still does not meet the standards set forth in this policy, eligibility to receive financial aid of any type will be suspended. Students who fail to meet the maximum timeframe towards completion of their degree within 186 attempted credits will have their financial aid canceled.
Appeals of financial aid suspension must be made in writing to the Appeals Committee by the date specified in the financial aid suspension notification letter.
The Satisfactory Academic Appeals Form should be accompanied by supporting documentation including a letter outlining extenuating circumstance. Your letter should include satisfactory academic progress was not made and why the extenuating circumstance(s) has changed, as well as an outlined plan of corrective action for future academic success. Extenuating circumstances can include, but are not limited to, illness or injury; death of a family member; family difficulties; interpersonal problems with friends, roommate, significant others; difficulty balancing work, athletics, family responsibility; or financial difficulties.
The Appeals Committee will notify the student in writing if the appeal has been accepted or denied. If the appeal has been accepted, the letter to the student will detail the academic plan of corrective action as well as require the approval of the student’s academic advisor. All decisions made by the committee are final and will not be subject to further review.
Reinstatement of financial aid after a student is placed on suspension is achieved as follows:
- The student submits a written letter of appeal in accordance with the appeals process and the financial aid appeals committee grants the appeal. The student is placed on financial aid probation for the semester rather than on suspension; or
- The student attends Hood College during the suspension semester, pays for tuition and fees without the help of student aid and does well enough in the coursework to satisfy all the satisfactory academic progress standards. The student must notify the Office of Financial Aid if they are planning to attend Hood College without the assistance of financial aid; or
- The student may attend summer school to eliminate the deficiency in credits or GPA. The student must notify the Office of Financial Aid if they are planning to take classes during the summer to eliminate the deficiency. Students cannot take classes at another institution to resolve a GPA deficiency. Classes must be taken at Hood College.
A student whose eligibility has been suspended may regain eligibility at the end of any term after which they meet the above criteria.
Students who have been placed on suspension cannot skip a semester and regain eligibility. No financial aid will be disbursed during subsequent semesters for students on suspension.
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