The Blazer Club
Hood College BLAZER CLUB
- Give direct support to student-athletes’ lives on campus
- Focus on strategic and specific projects when needed
- Enhance athletic facilities
- Provide equipment for the athletic department
The overall mission of the Blazer Club is to enrich the spirit, success, and experience of all Hood College student-athletes. This is achieved through financial investment, as well as expanded programming and partnership opportunities with Hood Athletics. The Club’s efforts are directed toward growing the fan base for all Hood College athletic teams, providing financial support for Hood athletic programs, and exploring fun ways to support the student-athlete experience.
Click our logo to join the Blazer Club today!
Champion’s Circle ($3,000 or more)
All of the below, plus…
- Availability for premium parking at Volpe Center home games (exclusions may apply)
- All-Sport Season Fan Pass 2024-25: *$300 FMV
- Member of Hood College’s President Club, with additional recognition through the Office of Institutional Advancement
Coaches Club ($1,000-2,999)
All of the below, plus…
- Opportunity to attend pre-game celebrations at any Blazer game
- Access to priority seating at home games, when available
Team Captain ($250-999)
All of the below, plus…
- Priority notice on all ticketing opportunities
- Invitation to annual event with Athletics
- Annual Blazer pride gift
*Blazer Fan ($100-249)
- Listing as a Club member in all appropriate college communications (website, honor roll, etc.)
- Subscription to all Blazer Athletic communications and updates
- Small token gift
*Recent alumni (graduating within the past 10 years) can join as a Blazer Fan for $5 a month ($60 annually).
Memberships are valid from July 1-June 30 each year.
All benefits can be declined to receive full tax deductions for contributions.
Emily Wise VanderWoude, CFRE
senior director of advancement
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