Gambling Education & Resources
Online betting apps and platforms have made placing a bet easier and faster. While gambling can be fun, for some it can get out of control and result in financial problems, legal issues and relationship conflicts. We can now place multiple bets on our phones at any time of the day or night. The ease of single-click betting is concerning as it can lead to developing a problem with gambling. Learn the difference between high and low risk gambling to determine if you should make some changes or get help.
Low risk gambling is done:
- As a form of recreation, not to make money or make up for previous losses;
- With limits on time, frequency and duration;
- In a social setting; not alone;
- With money you can afford to lose.
High risk gambling is done:
- To cope with grief, loneliness or anger;
- Under financial pressure and stress;
- While under the influence of alcohol and other drugs;
- When you are under the legal age (21 for sports betting).
If you or someone you know is struggling with problem gambling, there is FREE help available! Call 1-800-GAMBLER (1-800-426-2537) or visit to chat with a confidential support agent.
Problem Gambling Awareness Month Begins March 1!

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