Core Curriculum Assessment

The purpose of the Core Curriculum is to provide students with the basic skills needed to pursue a liberal arts education, to expose them to a variety of modes of inquiry in different disciplines, and to promote critical reflection about global perspectives.

The Office of Institutional Research & Assessment (OIRA) adopts the NILOA Transparency Framework to visibly share assessment components of the Core Curriculum:

Student Learning OutcomesAssessment PlansAssessment Resources
Current Assessment ActivitiesEvidence of Student LearningUse of Student Learning Evidence

National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment. (2011). Transparency Framework. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois and Indiana University, National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA).

Core Curriculum Areas

Foundation (19-22 credits)

  • English Composition (3-4 credits)
  • First-Year Seminar (3 credits)
  • Quantitative Literacy (3-4 credits)
  • Global Languages (8 credits)
  • Health and Wellness (2-3 credits)

Methods of Inquiry (25-28 credits)

  • Global Perspectives (3 credits)
  • Historical Analysis (3 credits)
  • Literary Analysis (3 credits)
  • Philosophical Inquiry (3 credits)
  • Scientific Thought (7-8 credits)
    • Non-Laboratory (3 credits)
    • Laboratory (4 credits)
  • Social and Behavior Analysis (3 credits)
  • Visual and Performing Arts (3-4 credits)