Program Review

Academic program reviews at Hood College are designed to improve the quality of the College’s academic offerings and achieve the best use of available resources.

Academic program reviews are conducted at the department level and include the undergraduate and graduate programs.

Reviews serve as a means to evaluate quality, productivity, need and demand within the College, state, and region; to determine effectiveness and consider possible modifications; and to facilitate academic planning and budgeting. They bring to each unit the advantages of assessment from the perspective of peers outside the institutions and colleagues from other units within the College. 

The review process operates on a five-year cycle with the department’s self-study document submitted to the provost's office by February 1 of the given year. The external site reviewer visits occur from March 15 to April 15. An external reviewer’s report is sent to the provost and program review coordinator and is due 30 days after the campus visit.

Please see additional details through the academic program review guidelines from the Office of the Provost.